Meeting Each Other

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     The weekend had been pure nightmare material. From the moment they brought him to the orphanage, Gat was treated like a baby even though he was never in littlespace. They changed his clothes, forced him to drink out of a bottle, and worst of all... tried to keep him in diapers.

     All the other littles at the orphanage seemed to be fine with what was going on. They acted like they were in littlespace, even if they weren't. They ate up all the attention the nurses and workers were giving them.

     'Is that how they want me to act?' He thought to himself. 'I can't. I won't. I'm not going to be something I'm not. If I have to be a little, I won't degrade myself by acting like that out of my headspace. What if I don't even have a headspace? I've never had any little tendencies.' He was determined not to become like the others.

     Now he was finally back in school. This was the first of his new classes. They told him there was a good chance he'd have a new temporary mommy or daddy today. They didn't even ask him which he wanted. He could get stuck with a girl that insisted on keeping him in diapers like they had at the orphanage. He almost died of embarrassment just thinking about future diaper changes.

     They had taken away all of his choices. Thankfully, they had allowed him to wear 'big boy' clothes, as they called them... but he was still in a diaper. Well, a pull-up. He was able to convince them that since he didn't have any accidents all weekend that he would be fine at school too.

     A worker from the orphanage had brought him to school and carried him to the classroom, putting him into a crib. They said one of them would be doing that every day until he was paired off. "Now stay there until someone comes for you." The man gave a half warning when he said it, knowing how 'bad' Gat had been acting all weekend. They dropped a clipboard in the slot on the front of the crib and walked off.

     Gat looked around the room and sighed. It was done up in bright colors and lots of cartoon characters. He really didn't recognize any of them. He wasn't one to sit around all day watching tv... not that they had a tv to watch. It was one of the things they had to sell to make ends meet.

     A few other kids either walked in or were brought in and put on the other beds. All the bed were soon full, including the other two cribs next to his. The other two children in the cribs seemed to be taking a nap already. The others were laughing and talking amongst themselves.

     "What's your name cutie?" A girl's voice brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw someone leaning over the edge of the crib with a bright smile. Her almost perfect white teeth stood out from her dark chocolate complexion. Her voice sounded like the nurses and workers that had treated him so badly over the weekend. He didn't want to talk to her. "Oh, what's the matter buddy? Are you too little to talk? How old are you?"

     "Sixteen." He said rather snidely.

     She gave a bit of a nervous laugh at his answer. She stood up and took the clipboard off the side of the crib. She flipped up a page and looked back at him. She gave a bit of a pity smile and put the clipboard back. "You are really just the cutest little thing... just a bit too young for my age range." She sounded almost sad as she put the clipboard back and walked away to another little.

     'What is that?' Gat carefully reached over the edge of the crib and grabbed the clipboard. He didn't want anyone to scold him for doing something they thought he shouldn't. It was his information. He looked at the other beds, they all had clipboards. They were picking out the littles like they would an animal from a shelter. How degrading.

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