Welcome Home?

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     "I just need your membership information and we can have all this delivered right to your house." The cashier seemed almost as bubbly happy as the girl on the sales floor.

     "Membership information?" Tim asked with a raised eyebrow.

     "Yes, all this will get you lots and lots of points towards more purchases. Plus! Free same-day delivery on orders over a thousand dollars." He handed Tim a pamphlet with information on a membership he could sign up for.

     If this had been a one-time thing, he would have thrown it right back in his face and said no. But Tim had a terrible feeling he'd be back. Also, he really didn't want to have to make multiple trips to get all the large boxes. "Do you just leave it in the house, or do you set it all up too?" If he could get out of putting anything together, that would be a bonus for him.

     "They assemble it on the site." Again, his voice getting an octave higher, excited to have a new member to sign up.

     "Fine." Tim started to put his information into the provided tablet.

     Tim and Gat each pushed a full cart out to the truck. They loaded up the back and it was now time to go. Gat pushed the cart into the corral and walked towards the passenger side of the truck and put his hand on the door handle.

     "What are you doing?" Tim ask almost civil.

     Gat gulped and hoped... no, prayed that he wouldn't have to get back into that thing in the back seat. "Um... getting into the truck? I... I thought we were done?"

     Tim opened the back door and folded his arms. "The faster we get you in the faster we can go home."

     "Your home." Gat mumbled under his breath. He sighed and let go of the door handle, but didn't move from his spot. "Can I please... please ride up front?"

     "No. It's the law. Now come on."

     "It's a stupid law." He mumbled again as he turned around.

     Tim picked him up so quickly, he was dizzy for a moment and didn't really realize what had happened until he was already in the chair. He sniffed a few times and tried not to cry as Tim clicked all the buckles and tightening the straps.

     "What's wrong with you?" Tim stopped and looked at Gat's terrified face. "Why are you so upset? I'm the one who has to do all the work while you just sit there."

     "I don't like cars." He whispered.

     Tim slammed his hand against the doorframe, making Gat jump and a few tears escape.

     "Will you stop mumbling and whispering! I asked you a question. I expect an answer I can hear." Tim wasn't even using his dom voice, but Gat was still terrified.

     "I... d-don't like c-cars." He said a bit louder.

     Tim gave a slightly confused look before rolling his eyes and slamming the door shut. He walked around to the other side of the truck and got in. He sighed and started the engine. He turned around and looked at Gat. Gat had his eyes closed tight and looked like he was slightly curling up.

     'That's not natural.' Tim thought. 'I want to scare him, not scar him.' He sighed and hit the seat next to him before getting out of the truck and going to the bags in the back. Tim dug around for a bit before he found what he was looking for. He got back inside and threw the item at Gatlin, making him yip. Tim gave a bit of an evil grin, he kind liked scaring him.

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