This is Music?

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     "Mr. Pova, Mr. Cake, and I have added up your results from yesterday's first social run." The class mumbled and almost collectively sighed at the thought of the events of the zoo. "For this morning's class, I'm going to be talking to each set and give them their final scores. The rest of you will start reviewing chapters six and seven of your Caregiver guides." She looked at the names on the first page. "Tim, Gatlin, Keith, and Hope. If you could all come to the front please."

     Tim rolled his eyes. He had no idea what she was going to say. He was sure he'd done everything on the check list they gave them. The only thing he was worried about was if he was going to be scored on what happened with Keith and Hope. They didn't even finish the trip with them. If his grade went down because of that snotty little brat...

     "First I'd like to say, Keith... that was some of the worst Caregiving I've ever seen. You didn't know her favorite animal, you didn't take control of any of the situations, you lost your Little, and worst of all... you both got injured." Keith had turned red. Tim could tell that he wasn't happy with the evaluation. Tim also knew that everything she said was correct.

     "Tim..." She paused and turned to him. Tim could feel the anger start to grow in him. What was she going to say? Was she going to be truthful about him as well? He knew she didn't like him, so would she give him a bad grade because of that? Or would she take his grade down because they were partners? "I have never seen such improvement."

     Tim was about to open his mouth, but his brain stopped him as he processed what she had just said.

     "You were prepared with snacks, you listened to your Little, went to a teacher for help when you weren't sure about his health, finished the checklist perfectly, and on top of that... your Little was so polite and even got a gift for his friend. I'm amazed at how good of a Daddy you're becoming."

     Tim took most of it as a compliment, but he still wasn't a Daddy. He was just being a good Dom. Nothing more.

     "Take this. You and Gatlin can work on it til your next class." She handed them some paperwork and turned her attention to Keith. "You two stay here for a moment longer." Her voice was firm and had a bit of anger in it.

     Everyone had had their chance to go to the front. Tim and Gatlin finished the paperwork given to them. It was mostly just a review of what he did right and some paperwork about what to expect when your Little moved in on Friday. He wondered if that was just a generic paper that she gave to everyone since Gatlin was already living with him. One thing he didn't know was that at some point over the weekend she was going to do inspections and make sure all the nurseries are set up properly.

     'Great...' He thought as he ran his hand up his face and into his hair. 'How is this going to work? I have to find someone to watch Gatlin while I'm at work. Do I call the shop and ask if they have any ideas? I don't even know if any of them are Caregivers."

     After that disastrous field trip, Tim didn't want to ask ANY of his classmates to watch Gatlin.

     "Tomorrow will be moving day for you Littles." Mrs. Desini started talking again. Tim wasn't really paying attention. He was still too worried about what he was going to do for work. There was no way he was going to miss a single day just because of Gatlin.

     "In the packets you got when you started class, there are instructions on what you will need to fully furnish a nursery. I expect them to match the age of your Little. I want to see their favorite color SOMEWHERE in the room." She looked around the room and continued. "Tomorrow I want all the Littles to bring their favorite plushie in for Snuggles and Cuddles."

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