Classes and Instructions

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     "Hello everyone!" The woman who had been hovering over everyone was now at the front of the classroom. She stood in front of a whiteboard and started to write on it. 'Mrs. Desini.' Was in bold letters and all fancy, probably to get the attention of the littles. "Welcome to Caregiver/Little 101! I'm so glad that there was almost an even amount this year and everyone got at least one little." She looked in the direction of the girl who had the twins and smiled. Then her eyes traveled across the room and landed on Tim and Gat who were sitting as far apart from each other as they could. Gat was looking nervous and sad. Tim disgusted and irritated.

     "From today until graduation, the little you chose, is going to be your high school little. You're going to take them to and from their classes, help them with homework if they need it, be with them at lunch, and... some of you might not agree with this..." She looked at Tim who was furious already, "They are going to live with you. You will care for them as if you were their assigned caretaker all the way up to graduation." Everyone in the room lit up... except two people. "Today is Monday so by Friday, I expect the caregivers to have a nursery or bedroom ready and the littles to be packed and ready to move in at the end of the day. Littles, don't forget to take one of these papers home with you and have your current guardian fill out and sign the paperwork. I need all forms back by Wednesday."

     Gat wasn't sure what to do. He didn't have a legal guardian anymore. Did he have to give it to the orphanage? Was he going to have to endure another week of being treated like a baby? Would this guy treat him like that? Tim didn't seem to want him at all.

     This was Tim's worst nightmare. He was gonna have to take this thing home with him come Friday. He was ready to have it for maybe a week or two... but through the rest of the year?! He was gonna have to spend his hard-earned money on it. He knew that he couldn't spend any of the money their parents had left them. Howard was in charge of it, and he wasn't going to spend a cent on this thing either. All that money was for food and bills, nothing more... nothing less.

     He looked down at Gatlin and noticed that he was pale. 'Great.' He thought, 'He better not be sick. I don't want to deal with anything... bodily.'

     "What's wrong with you?" Tim practically growled.

     Gatlin jumped a little at his voice and looked up with terrified eyes. This made Tim smirk. Good, maybe he could keep him in line. If he kept him nervous, maybe he wouldn't fall into littlespace. Tim knew it wasn't healthy for the little, but he really didn't care. If he could keep him big, that would be a bonus.

     "N-nothing. Just... nothing sir." Gatlin gulped and looked down at his hands.

     'Sir? I like the sound of that.' Tim turned away from Gatlin and sighed at the situation.

     Gat was almost feeling normal again. His next few classes were normal, and everyone seemed to be treating him like a normal teenager. Then lunch came.

     Tim hadn't been there to take him to any of his classes. Gat was wondering if he was ever going to, he personally didn't care. The less he was seen with a caregiver, the easier it would be to hide that he was a little. Maybe he could pass for a general sub. He really wished he could convince everyone he was a neutral like his mother had been. But eventually the whole school would know the truth, somehow they always had a way of finding out things you don't want known.

     After putting away his books and making sure none of his bullies were in the area, he started to head towards the cafeteria. He wasn't sure what he was going to do for lunch. He usually had a small sandwich to keep the hunger off, but the orphanage didn't give him a lunch to bring or money to buy one.

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