We Messed Up

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     When the final bell rang, Tim and Gatlin practically ran out of the classroom. They had no reason to linger. They almost made it to the exit when someone started yelling Tim's name. Tim turned and groaned.

     "What's the hurry?" Jeff and Tate were walking towards them. Tim internally groaned again as he stopped just short of opening the door. There was no way he was going to the truck now. He didn't want anyone to see the car seat. "I haven't seen you much." Jeff added.

     "Yeah, I've just been busy. New classes and all." Jeff slightly narrowed his eyes and glanced down at Gatlin before looking back at Tim. "I've actually gotta get some groceries for the house before I head home. We still have practice on Sunday right?" Tim was trying not to act nervous. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like Jeff knew something.

     "Yeah. Starts at two. Make sure you're on time." He turned to Gatlin and smirked. "I'm assuming you'll be there too. See you guys then." The boys said goodbye and walked on.

     Tim watched them walk out the door and gulped. He'd missed something. What was it? He walked out of the building and towards the truck. Jeff and Tate were already out of sight by the time he'd gotten to the backdoor. He reached out for the handle when it hit him like a ton of bricks, and he froze.

     "Are you alright?" Gatlin asked. Tim wasn't moving. His hand was on the door handle and his mouth was slightly open. His eyes were wide, and he looked almost scared. "What happened?"

     Tim looked down at Gatlin and took a very shaky breath. "We're screwed." Gatlin tilted his head in slight confusion. "We messed up... they must know something is up."

     "How? Did... did they see something? Do they know who the teachers for our classes are?" Gatlin was slightly freaking out. Tim's slight fear and irritation could be felt by Gatlin. He took it completely the wrong way and it made his own worries start to grow.

     Tim opened the door and quickly put Gatlin in the car seat. He handed him his bear and shut the door. When he got inside the car he just sighed again. "General Doms and Subs only have one or two different classes. All of our classes have changed... which means they've either figured it out already or will figure out that we're sub classes. Then it's only a matter of time before they find out I'm a Caregiver." He dropped his head on his steering wheel and smacked it a few times. "How could I have been so careless?" He groaned.

     "What-what will they do if they find out?" Gatlin wasn't sure why it was such a bad thing. He did know that Tim hated Littles, he'd even said so. But what about the others? Were they like Tim? Did they hate Littles too? What would they do to him now?

     Tim was so wrapped up in his own thoughts of how bad the guys were gonna tease him, that he didn't even realize Gatlin was thinking about terrible things. Gatlin wasn't used to people just teasing. He never had any friends growing up. By the time Tim parked the car, Gatlin was almost crying he was so scared.

     "Alright. Let's just get a few things and then we can go home." Tim turned around and saw that Gatlin was still holding onto his bear tightly. His eyes weren't clenched shut like normal, they were wide and looking forward... no, more like looking at nothing. Tim reached back and shook his leg to get his attention. Gatlin flinched hard and pulled himself into a tight ball, shielding himself. "Hey, what's the matter?"

     Tim quickly got out of the truck and came around to Gatlin's side. He unbuckled the seatbelt and tried to get him out of the truck. Gatlin seemed to have locked down. Tim wasn't sure what to do. He'd never seen anyone have a panic attack before. This was a panic attack right? Was it because their cover would be blown? Tim knew that the guys would be fine with Gatlin being a Little, it was him they were going to torment. Did Gatlin not understand that? 'Oh shit! I messed up. What do I do? What do I do? Don't cry, I don't think I can handle it if he cries. What do I say???'

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