Another Nightmare

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     Gat opened his eyes and looked around. He was surrounded by bars... wait, bars? He looked up and gave a confused look. Spinning slowly above him was a few different grey and black shapes. It looked like the fazes of the moon... is that... is that the mobile that came with the bedding they got from the store? Gat sat up quickly when he realized where he was.

     "No..." He whispered. "What's going on?"

     The sides of the bed had been attached and it was now a full crib. Gat was confused. When did this happen? Who put him in here? Why did he feel so weird... oh my... He looked down and almost puked. He was in a bright yellow onesie with little ducks on it. His legs were bare, and he could clearly see a nighttime diaper on himself. To top it all off he had yellow socks and a yellow paci clipped to the onesie. The color was almost blinding in the dark toned room.

     'What the hell?!' He tried to get out when a pair of hands suddenly picked him up from under his armpits. He let out a yelp as he was brought up into a familiar pair of arms and a broad chest.

     "Awwwe. It looks like you're awake. How about something yummy for that little tum tum." Gat paled when he looked up and saw who was holding him. "Are you feeling little buddy? Good! Because I have your baba all ready." Tim smiled creepily as he walked over to a rocking chair. He lifted up an oversized bottle that looked almost too big to fit in his hands.

     " 'Top!" Gat covered his mouth when the strange talk came out. He meant to say 'stop'. Why couldn't he talk right?

     "Awe, such a tiny baby on my hands!" Tim set down the bottle and pat Gat's bottom to calm him down. "Uh oh, someone needs a change. Is that why I have a fussy baby?" He got up and went to the changing table. He strapped down Gat and unbutton his snaps.

     Gat started to panic. He struggled against the straps that seemed to tighten and cut into his arms. He tried to talk again. "Nu! 'Top dat Daddy!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

     Gat woke up screaming. He grabbed his chest and looked down. He was in his normal pajamas and the sides were gone from around the bed. The room was dark. It must have been late... or early. He slowly put his feet on the floor and tried to stand up. He gasped when he realized one thing was the same from the nightmare... he was sitting in a cold wet diaper.

     "What the hell is wrong now?" A voice came from the doorway.

     Gat looked up so fast that he swore he got whiplash. Tim had large bags under his eyes and looked slightly annoyed.

     "I... I..." Gat didn't know what to say. After the Principal's office, they had finished out their classes for the day and really didn't talk again. Not since lunch. They should have talked about what was going to happen now, but neither of them seemed to be in the right mindset for that. "I'm sorry. I just had a nightmare. I'll be ok."

     Tim's face softened slightly as he looked at the disheveled state Gat was in.

     Tim looked at Gatlin and could see that it wasn't a normal nightmare. This one scared him worse than the one before. He walked over to Gatlin and sat down on the bed next to him.

     "Are you sure you're ok? You look terrible." Tim had wanted to ask Gatlin earlier about how bad the bullying was after he saw him flinch when Luke came in the room. But he couldn't figure out how to start the conversation. The poor kid had a bad day yesterday. "Would you like something to drink?"

     "NO!" Gatlin said almost a bit too quickly. "I... I mean, no thank you. I just have to... to take care of something." He got up and blushed as he walked over to the changing table and grabbed a few supplies before walking out of the room.

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