The Principal and The Lawyer

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     Gat wasn't sure what was going on. It all happened so fast that it made his head spin slightly. One moment he was trying to get out of the teacher's grasp, the next he was being tucked into a broad chest with arms wrapped around him. Tim's voice was the next thing he heard. "We need to talk." He whispered.

     Gat nodded as he felt himself being set down on a soft surface. He looked around and saw that Tim had carried him to a far corner of the nap part of the room. They were sitting next to each other on the last bed before the cribs.

     "I'm going to ask some questions." Tim said, getting Gat's attention. "And I want you to answer them truthfully. I won't say anything about your answers. I just want to know the truth." Gat nodded again. His head was getting light. It must have been from throwing up and then all the sudden movements.

     "Can..." He started to ask in a small voice before he realized that Tim was the one who was going to ask the questions. He started to worry that he was going to get in trouble. He didn't know why, he just got really scared suddenly.

     "Can? You can ask. Can you... what?" Tim's voice was gentle.

     "Can I have a drink of water first?" Gat asked quietly.

     Tim got up and brought back a normal bottle of water. He took the lid off and handed it to Gat who took large gulps at a time. It helped with the headache, but it didn't go away.

     "Now..." Tim handed Gat the lid so he could close the bottle. "You were classified as a Little correct?" Gat gulped but nodded. "Before then, did you have any Little tendencies?"

     "No. I..." He was about to say something but stopped himself. "No."

     "Nothing to indicate that you were a Little at all growing up?"

     "No. I always thought I'd be a Neutral."

     Tim nodded in understanding. "Why are you malnourished?" Gat slightly bit his bottom lip and looked down at his hands. "Were you from an abusive home?"

     Gat quickly looked up. "NO!" He answered. He didn't want Tim to get the wrong impression. "My home was just wonderful... until mom died. After that... dad just had trouble making enough money for food. He worked so hard... so, I...gavehimallthefood." Gat's voice got quieter and quieter til Tim couldn't make out what he said.

     "What was that? Speak up please." Tim's voice was firm, but not mad in any way.

     Gat sighed and the side of his mouth shifted a bit. "I gave him the food. He needed more energy than I did. He was working two jobs... sometimes three."

     "Then why was he taken away?"

     "They... they said that a General Sub couldn't take care of a Little... and they used my weight as proof of that. But they're wrong!" Gat started to speak up again. "I'm not a Little! I just have to not slip for a year and then I can retake the test. If I can prove they got it wrong, I can go back to my dad."

     "Where is your dad?" Tim inquired.

     "I... I don't know. They turned him over to a Dom to get his life 'straightened out'... or some shit like that. They didn't let me go back to the apartment at all to get any of my belongings, they didn't even give me a way to contact him. They just shoved me into that horrible orphanage for the weekend until I moved in with you."

     Tim gave out a soft sigh. The poor kid. Tim didn't have parents either, but at least he wasn't forcibly removed from them just because of their classification. Gatlin really got the short end of the stick in all of this. To not have any Little tendencies and forced into a whole life you weren't ready for... sounded... sounded a bit like... him.

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