Getting More Supplies

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     Though he protested again, Gatlin was picked up and quickly put into the car seat. This time, Tim had just managed to shut the door before his teammate, Nate, had started to walk towards them. Nate waved and picked up the pace walking their way.

     "How's it going?" Nate grinned. Nate was a bit shorter than the rest of the team, but what he lacked in height, he definitely made up for in muscle. He was a powerhouse, making him a great linebacker.

     "Not bad. Just about to head home." Tim leaned on the door and blocked the backseat window. He hoped that Gatlin didn't do something stupid to draw any unwanted attention. He didn't mind if the guys knew Gatlin was living with him, but he didn't want them to see the car seat. "You excited about your test this weekend?" Tim wanted Nate to go away, but at the same time didn't want to make it look like he was rushing him along. "You're in the last group to be tested this semester, aren't you?"

     Nate gave a small huff and smirked as his eyes looked down at his feet for a moment before trying to make eye contact with Tim again. He tightened his grip on his bag as the edge of his lip slightly twitched. Tim could tell he was nervous, but Nate played it off like nothing was bothering him. "Yeah. This Friday. So, I won't be in class."

     "Alright. See you tomorrow though, right? Coach has us going over some game plans for this coming year. I'm surprised he let us off so easy this week."

     "You call the drills he's having us do in gym easy?" Nate laughed, but then his eyes slightly shifted down again. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." His smirk faded and he walked away.

     Tim wasn't sure what Nate could be nervous about. He was probably going to be a Neutral like most of the team.

     Tim got into the car and looked in the back. Gatlin looked terrified. What was it with him and cars? Or was it the car seat? Tim reached around in the back and grabbed the bear that had been discarded that morning. He tossed it to Gatlin and started on their way.

     About halfway to their destination, Gatlin started flinching and making odd sounds. Tim looked in the rearview mirror and saw the Little holding the bear close to his face as he slept. He gave a sigh and wondered if Gatlin was having nightmares. That would explain what happened earlier that day... and come to think of it, it would also explain last night.

     "We're here. Let's go." Tim said as he opened the back door.

     Gatlin's eyes shot open, and he breathed hard as he looked around. Tim noticed that Gatlin's left eye was slightly glazed over. Gatlin blinked a few times as he blindly looked at Tim.

     "Wha...? Who...?" His voice was cracking, and his head bobbed a few times before he shook it and looked back at Tim. The glaze was gone, and now both eyes filled with embarrassment. "Can I get out now please?" He said in a normal voice.

     Tim set him on the ground and Gatlin sighed. He looked at the store and hung his head slightly.

     "Here again so soon?" He asked Tim.

     "We have to get the supplies for the shitty diaper bag. I forgot last time because I was so focused on those damn lists." Tim shut the door and quickly headed inside. He turned around to see if Gatlin was following... and that's when he realized that Gatlin was still holding onto the driving bear. He stopped and turned around.

     "What?" Gatlin asked as Tim looked down at him.

     "We're not losing that. It stays in the car."

     Gat was confused at first. 'Not losing what?' He looked around then down at himself. That's when he went bright red. How had he not noticed that he was still holding the bear? His head dropped a little and he quickly handed the bear back to Tim. He didn't want to look at him.

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