Early Mornings

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Screaming... The sound of crunching metal... water... laughter...

     Gat sat up quickly and grabbed his chest. He was trying to catch his breath. He was in pain; his side was killing him. Was it the pain that brought on the severe night terror? Or the other way around? He wasn't sure. What he was sure of was that he needed the bathroom... and now.

     As he jumped out of bed, he was thankful that his bladder had held until he woke up. It might have even been what woke him up. He would have died of embarrassment if he had wet himself on his first night there. And there was nothing worse than waking up in a cold, wet diaper.

     There was something medically wrong with him. He knew what is was too. When it had happened, the doctors recommend that he wear protection... possibly for the rest of his life. But he fought. He fought it hard, and he was proud to say that he had been able to stay dry well over a year and counting. But his doctor's notes must have been what everyone was going off to try and force him into diapers. Did that affect the outcome of the classification? Was it just that alone? That would be so stupid if that's what had happened.

     Gat came back out of the bathroom and saw that the light in the main room was on. He was sure it was off when he came through.

     "What happened?" A sleepy voice asked behind him.

     He nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around and saw Tim. He looked like he'd just gotten out of bed. His hair was all over the place and his clothes were disheveled. Did he wake up Tim? This wasn't good. He thought Tim was in his old room still. He didn't remember seeing him when he walked through the first time. Oh no... did he scream? Is that what woke him up?

     "Well?" Tim scratched his arm and yawned. "Didn't have an accident or anything did you?" None of the normal venom was in his voice. Hearing him talk almost normally scared Gat more than anything else.

     "I... I'm fine. Nothing happened. I just had to go to the bathroom." He took a step towards his room and went stiff when Tim grabbed his wrist.

     Tim didn't let go as he slightly drug Gat along with him to the nursery. Tim finally let go of his wrist when he got into the room. He walked up to the bed and moved the blanket. Seeing that it was dry, he turned back to Gat.

     "Next time don't make so much noise. I'm going to be sleeping in that room from now on. I don't want you waking me up every time you have to go to the bathroom." Tim pushed past and put his hand on the door. He paused for a moment and looked back at Gat. He looked like he was going to ask something, but just shook his head and shut the door behind him.

     Gat gave a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to tell Tim anything. He didn't need anyone to know about his nightmares. He didn't need anyone to help him. He'd been dealing with them for the last two years just fine on his own. His own father didn't know he was having them. They couldn't afford to get him any help, and once the funds were cut off, they couldn't even afford to take him to the doctor anymore.

     He didn't think any more about it. He just got into bed and hoped that the aspirin he found in the bathroom was enough to help keep him asleep.

     Tim had shut the door behind him, but unfortunately Gatlin was still on his mind. The poor kid looked terrible. All the color had drained out of his face and his hair was sticking to his forehead and dripping with sweat. Something bad had happened. Tim thought Gatlin might have had a nightmare... but when Gatlin said he was fine, Tim just shrugged it off. When he was about to leave the room, he could swear he heard the Little slightly gasp, like he couldn't breathe.

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