It Keeps Getting Worse For Everyone

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     "You knew that was going to happen!" Tim screamed at the teacher. Mrs. Desini was holding the diaper up to catch the rest of the stream of pee that was coming from the little. "You knew that he was gonna piss on me!"

     A hand came hard across Tim's face. It was so quick and painful that he was thrown back for a moment.

     "You will not swear in this class." Mrs. Desini said in a low threating voice. "Not in this class and not in front of any littles. I didn't know it was going to happen. That's why you must always be ready for things like this." She bent over and pulled a triangle shaped clothe item from the bottom of the table. "This is called a pp cover. Little boys will sometimes pee when the air hits their lower regions. So, if you are worried about your shirts Mr. Crater, then I suggest you buy a few for yourself to have in your diaper bag and home changing table."

     "My what?!" Tim hadn't thought of all the things he was going to have to buy for this little.

     "You heard me. Now..." She turned her attention back to the rest of the class. "After everyone has had a chance to change Troy, you will practice what you learn on your own little. Keep in mind that not all littles feel comfortable being changed in public or by other caregivers. So make sure you ask your little what they prefer. Also, don't leave your little in a dry diaper for too long. It'll give them a rash from the friction."

     Tim gave a huff and tried to use some wet wipes for his shirt. He was gonna take twelve showers and burn his shirt when he got home. 'I swear... if that little ever does this to me...' He thought of all the terrible things he would do to Gatlin if he pissed on him.

     Once everyone had done a successful diaper change, it was time to return to their littles. "Did everyone behave and finish their paperwork?" Mrs. Desini asked in a sickly sweat voice.

     Tim sat down next to Gat and gave an angry sigh. He was mad about something. Gat didn't ask. He really didn't want to know. This guy seemed to be mad about everything around him. Tim looked down at the paper in front of them and turned his scowl towards Gat.

     "Why isn't this filled out?" He said growling. "You had forever to do it."

     "I did finish it..." Gat pointed to the top line and Tim rolled his eyes. "Most of them said this."

     "While we were in the back, the mommies and daddies learned something about taking care of you all better! Do you want to ask your littles an important question?" Her voice was hurting Gat's ears. He hated her, she was just as bad as the nurses at the orphanage. He hated everything about this life.

     "Do you have to potty?" He heard the boy in front of them ask his little.

     Gat went pale. He didn't want to even think about what was coming next. The others in the room all went to different parts of the room. A small line had formed at the bathroom in the back of the room. One or two went to the beds and started to just diaper their littles right there. Gat looked away and closed his eyes. He didn't want to hear those words from Tim. He didn't want Tim to see him. He didn't want anyone to see him. Not with that thing on his body. There would be to many questions.

     Tim seemed to either not hear the teacher or was ignoring her. With every student that came back to their seats, Gatlin got more and more sick to his stomach. He could clearly hear that some now had the unmistakable sound of crinkling.

     "Mr. Crater..." The witch was now standing next to them.

     Tim looked up and glared at her.

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