Pulling It Off

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     The next two classes had been a mix of terrible and odd for Gat. For the first hour of art, they had them color pictures from a coloring book. If they stayed inside the lines, they would get a gold star. The second hour they had to draw pictures to give to their Doms.

     Now, Gat loves to draw... but this wasn't drawing. Most of the Littles made very childish pictures of themselves and their Doms holding hands. There was a few that had drawn cats or dogs in a very cartoonish way. But not Gat. He used his limited resources and tried to draw a picture for himself. He had no desire to make anything for Tim.

     He was almost done with his picture. He felt it was a very artistic piece. It was of an old truck his grandfather used to drive but left to rust on the family property. As he drew, he wondered why he couldn't go live with them. It was his mom's parents. They weren't wealthy, but they were happy and never needed more than they had. Actually, he hadn't seen much of them since mom had died. He missed them.

     The teacher was going around and looking at all the pictures, giving out gold stars as she went around. When she got to Gat's... she stopped and watched him draw. Her mouth hung open slightly as she looked at the drawing.

     "That's lovely, darling." She said, making Gat jump for a moment. "Why don't you take that home and finish it. I would love to see the shading finished." Gat smiled and gladly accepted the folder she handed him so his art wouldn't get smeared.

     The bell rang and it was time for gym. Gat collected his things together and wished that he had his bag. He really didn't want his drawing to get hurt. He just sighed as he held it a bit tighter and walked into the hallway.

     All the other Doms were there waiting for their Littles. Gat rolled his eyes. The classroom was LITERALY next door. Why would they need them to hold their hands? He was actually glad Tim didn't show up to walk him over.

     Once everyone was inside, they closed the door. The gym teacher was a woman. She had everyone sit on the floor in a circle around a swivel chair. She then pulled out a file and started to read down the names. Everyone either called 'here' or nodded. Once the rollcall was done, she smiled at everyone with one of those smiles. Gat rolled his eyes. He already knew this was going to be bad.

     "Your Doms have already dropped off your gym clothes. Now, today we're just going to have fun! We're going to play a nice game of tag!" She paused and looked down at the file again. "I'm going to break you up into age groups, so the bigger kids don't play too rough with the small ones."

     Gat went pale. He knew his age range was the youngest. No one else was the same age as him. The next age up was two years. Most common ages for Littles was two to four years old. He was categorized in the months.

     "Gatlin?" The teacher's voice was soft as she got his attention. "We have a few... concerns for you buddy."

     'Here it comes.' Gat knew it. He just knew it.

     "It seems, you have a few health issues. While the rest of the children play tag, I have something really special for you!"

     All the rest of the Littles looked at him with concern. They didn't understand what the teacher was saying.

     "Is you sicky?" One of the others said.

     "Is it an ouchie?" Another asked.

     The teacher clapped a few times to get everyone's attention. "Ok. Let Gatlin be. We're gonna break into two groups now. Group A, stay on that side of the line in the middle of the gym. Group B, that side. Ok?" She picked a Little from each group to be 'it' first and sent them to get changed.

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