Seeing Red

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     Gat was being pulled along as the two of them ran through the mostly empty halls. Tim had thrown the stroller into the back of his truck and was now trying to get somewhere. He didn't tell Gat, he just said to keep up.

     Gat stumbled a few times trying to keep up. His side wasn't burning as bad at least. The nap on the bus on the way there had helped a lot. He just needed to remember to take more breaks while walking.

     "Where are we going?" Gat tried to ask.

     "I have to meet the team at the lockers. I'm not going to be late." He picked up the pace.

     The two of them ran into the locker room and saw the rest of the team was already there. They gave a strange look when they saw that Gat was there too.

     "Why bring the Sub?" One of the bigger boys asked. Gat couldn't remember their names. He'd only heard them the one time at lunch on Monday.

     "Don't want him wandering off." Tim quickly answered.

     "What is he wearing?" Another asked.

     "Just ignore him, Jeff." Tim said.

     Tim had Gat sit on one of the benches a little ways away from them. "You stay right there unless I tell you otherwise."

     Gat sighed as Tim walked away. He just knew he was going to be bored. Gat wished he could have grabbed his bag before they got there. He wondered if he could just go grab it and come back. His locker wasn't that far from where they were.

     The coach came in and walked towards the team. He stopped and looked down at Gat. He gave a confused look and pointed at him.

     "Who's Little is this?" He asked the team.

     Tim's eyes grew three times bigger, and his mouth opened to quickly say something, but Gat beat him to it.

     "I'm not a Little." He said with a bit of an attitude. "I'm a General Sub. I'm here with Tim."

     The coach turned and faced Gat. He looked at his appearance and squinted his eyes. "Then why are you dressed like that?"

     "I... it's warm? I didn't have a choice, ok? My parents put me in this. They really wanted a Little and were upset when I wasn't." His lie was so smooth that if he didn't know any better, even Tim would have believed him.

     "He's mine." Tim walked up to keep Gat from talking anymore. "They assigned him to me because his parents didn't want him. I was the lucky one I guess." Tim added sarcastically.

     The coach looked at the two of them and shrugged. "As long as he stays out of the way."

     It was about twenty minutes of the team yelling and hitting each other. Gat rolled his eyes and laid down on the bench he was sitting on. He was so bored. There was nothing in the bag he had that he could really use. It was all Little stuff... nothing that he would even take out with other people around.

     There was a sound behind him that made him sit up. He turned around and went pale. He quickly turned away and hoped that the boys that came into the locker room didn't see him. The soccer team had come in and looked like they had just finished their training. Gat kept his head down. There were two boys on the team he really didn't want to see.

     "Alright. Don't forget, Friday is the last classification group." The coach reminded them. "Then Sunday we start field training."

I'm A What?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora