Gift Shop

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     "I want ice cream." They were almost done eating their light meal when Hope started acting up again.

     Gat rolled his eyes and forced himself to take a few more bites of his hotdog. This day was horrible. He was in pain and embarrassed. He was also furious at Tim. He thought he'd be the last person that would make him get into the stroller. There was no way it could get worse. He tried not to think that, knowing damn well it could. Life always got worse for him.

     "You were a naughty girl today. You don't get ice cream." Keith sounded like he was finally putting his foot down... the foot he could put down. His knee looked swollen, but it must not have been too bad since he was still walking.

     "BUT I WANT IT!" She threw her food on the ground and started screaming all over again.

     Tim's face said everything, he'd had enough. "Keith. You need to shut her up." His voice was cool and commanding. Even Gat gulped and sat very still, like he was the one being scolded.

     Keith looked at Tim and scowled. He stuck out a finger and was about to say something. Tim glared at him. Keith closed his mouth and slowly rolled his finger back. They stood there in a staring match for a moment.

     Gat noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Hope had stopped screaming and was slowly sneaking away while Keith had his back turned. Gat watched as she got a little ways away before sprinting towards the furthest building that had a large ice cream cone on the roof.

     Keith finally cleared his throat and turned around to talk to Hope. His eyes doubled in size as he realized that he was holding onto an empty leash. He'd forgotten to reattach it after the petting zoo. It was a wonder she didn't run before this!

     "SHIT!" Keith yelled as he looked around in all directions. "Where did she go???" He ran up to Tim and shook him, like Tim had the answers.

     Tim slapped Keith and pushed him away. "She's your Little. You should have been keeping an eye on her!" The two were about to start fighting. Gat knew this wasn't going to end well.

     "Tim..." He tried to get his attention.

     "WHAT?! Tim turned around quickly, and his anger slightly died down.

     "She went to get ice cream." Gat pointed at the building behind them.

     Keith didn't wait one more moment. He took off running. Tim and Gat watched him disappear around a corner. There was a scream.

     "I think he found her." Gat said sarcastically.

     The two came back around the corner. Keith had the leash reattached to her harness, but he was carrying her to ensure she didn't get away again. She was hitting him as hard as she could and wherever she could. One of her fists went into his eye and he let go of her. She hit the ground hard and screamed. Suddenly, three workers appeared out of nowhere and were surrounding them.

     "Alright. This has gone on long enough." Mrs. Desini came out of wherever she was hiding and walked up to Tim and Gat. "Mr. Pova will be here in a moment to take you into his group." She sighed as she walked away from them and up to the two who were screaming at each other.

     "Want an ice cream while we wait and watch the show?" Tim asked as he motioned to the ice cream stand that was right next to them. Hope didn't even have to run away. There was one right there.

     "Um... sure." Gat wasn't sure why Tim was being so nice. He seemed to be nicer this whole day. There was a few times he could have lost his temper, but since lunch, something had changed. Did something happen to him? Did someone talk to him? Was it because they weren't at the school and there was no chance of someone catching them? Then why wasn't he this nice at his house? Didn't Tim say he hated Littles? Gat was so confused.

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