Chapter 2:

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I smooth down the black, long sleeved, low cut shirt  I'm wearing and look in the mirror one last time before I go to the meeting.

Cora told me that it's very important and nearly everyone will be there.

I walk into the meeting room and see a long rectangular table with people seated at it.

Dominicos sits at one end and the other is for me. I take a seat and Cora and Pablo sit to my left while Christianto is on my right.

'Thank you all for making it here.' Dominico says standing up.

If Dominico is leading this meeting that means that everyone here is someone he trusts and this announcement is extremely important.

'We have a mission that needs to be completed tomorrow.' He says.

His voice has an authoritative tone and not one persons eyes drift from him.

He has a certain power that makes everyone want to obey him.

I need that power.

He signals to a brown skinned girl with long think brown hair and she opens up her laptop, her screen is mirrored on the huge screen in front of us.

She turns to me and I have to hold the gasp in my throat from escaping. One of her eyes has been aggressively maimed and scared. The only thing left is an empty eye socket.

Her other eye is an amazing green colour.

'Tomorrow at 4:36pm there will be a man from The Demons waiting at De'lons cafe for a member of The Vipers.' The girl says. 'We have to infiltrate this mission and kill this man.'

She puts a picture of a man who looks in his late forties, and has brown greying hair on the screen.

'This man is trying to rat us out to The Vipers.' Dominico explains. 'We have a feeling he will be personally speaking to Adriano Giovanni himself.'

Dominico's eyes land on me and I try not to squirm under his gaze.

'One of you have been luckily selected to be the sniper and get this job done.' He says.

'That person is Dilara De'Bardi over here.' The woman says, signalling to me.

Everyone turns to me and some people clap.

I smile stiffly and narrow my eyes at Dominico.

I know exactly what he's trying to do.

An image of the cafe from a higher up angle comes on the screen.

'This is where you'll be positioned, but you'll have people surrounding you just in case.' The girl continues. 'I'll be with you too.'

'Julia will be right by your side.' Dominico adds.

She goes over the basics and explains how we'll only have a five minute free window where I can make my shot.

This explains why Dominico has been training me with guns for the past six months.

Soon, the meeting ends and everyone makes their way out.

I slowly get up from my seat and walk up to Dominico.

'Why didn't you brief me on this earlier?' I ask.

'Because I was mad at you earlier,' he replies, standing up.

'And why exactly did you pick me?' I ask.

'You need to prove your worthy of your title don't you?' He asks innocently.

'Great.' I reply through gritted teeth.

'You're not having second thoughts are you?' He asks.

'No, I'm not.' I say.

I turn around and walk out of the meeting room. I head to the training facilities so I can blow off some steam.

The new recruits move out of my way as soon as they see me coming. Most of them cower and whisper in the corner.

I tie my hair into a ponytail, to get it out of my face.

Christianto hands me some boxing gloves and I put them on.

'Blowing off steam?' He asks.

'Yeah,' I reply, hitting the punching bag.

'I'll give you some space, but if you need me I'm here.' He says.

I nod and continue hitting it.

I'm thankful I have Christianto and Cora and Pablo otherwise I think I would've lost my mind.

'I've heard the heir is scary.' A male voice says from next to me.

I turn to see two older new recruits talking.

'How scary can a person who never shows themselves be?' A boy with blonde hair asks.

'I don't know, but I wouldn't underestimate her.' The curly brunette replies shrugging.

'Oh come on, it's a she?' Blonde boy scoffs.

'Got a problem with that?' I ask, turning to them.

'No miss,' curly boy says.

'I mean how is a woman supposed to lead all of this?' Blonde boy asks.

I should rip out his tongue.

Curly boy elbows Blonde boy.

'I'm sure even I could beat her in a fight.' He continues.

This boy has a death wish.

I raise my eyebrow and laugh dryly.

'How old are you?' I ask.

'Seventeen.' He replies.

'What's your name?' I ask.

'Ethan,' he replies. 'And that's Joseph.'

'You talk a lot for a seventeen year old Ethan.' I say.

'I can talk, because I have something to back it up.' He says. 'I'm sure I could even take you in a fight.'

'I don't think that's a good idea.' Joseph says, shaking his head.

'Listen to your friend.' I roll my eyes.

'Oh come on, are you scared?' He laughs.

'Want me to deal with it?' Christianto asks from next to me.

'I got this.' I take off my gloves and hand them to him.

'Step into the ring Ethan.' I say.

The boy walks into the ring from one side and I enter from the opposite side.

'This is going to be good.' I hear someone say as people crowd around us.

'Be careful who you badmouth.' I say.

'Oh bring it on woman.' The boy says.

I smirk.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. That boy is begging for a beat down and he's going to get one.

Have a nice day!

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