Chapter 59:

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Alora places Xuan's head on her lap and cradles him. I go to her and she starts coughing just as aggressively.

I see sweat trickle down her forehead and her cheeks go pink. I put my hand to her forehead.

'You're getting a fever.' I say. 'Lorenzo water please!'

He passes me a cup and Alora drinks from it. She continues coughing Amira rubs her back. Matteo moves Xuan onto his lap, trying to wake him up.

'What the fuck,' Christianto says.

Alora pulls herself up and starts heaving into the sink, the smell of vomit filling the room. Mimi opens the windows and the back garden door.

She vomits so much that she can barely hold herself up straight. Blood starts coming from her mouth.

'What the fuck,' I mutter. 'Guys it's the food, stay away from it.'

'What?' Amira says. 'I didn't put anything that I usually wouldn't!'

The blood doesn't stop and she struggles to keep herself up right.

'Leave the water and pasta alone.' Adriano says. Mimi rushes to Rory and moves everything away from her.

Alora grabs onto my arm as she collapses and I catch her. Rory starts crying when she sees all the blood and Alessandro tries calming her down by picking her up and rubbing her back.

'We need a doctor now.' Lorenzo says. 'Are you ok?'
He turns to Amira and she nods, still in shock.

'Lorenzo I didn't do anything,' she says, her voice breaking and tears in her eyes. 'I swear to god I didn't.'

'I believe you Amira,' he says. 'I believe you.'
Her hands shake as she wipes her eyes.

We get into the cars as quickly as we can and drives to the safest base with a hospital.

'You can come in now,' the doctor says. We've been waiting outside for five hours.

We all rush into the room and see and Xuan asleep and Alora awake in the bed next to him.

'What happened?' Alessandro asks. 'What was the cause of this?'

'Poison.' My heart drops. 'Tetrodotoxin to be exact.'

'What do you mean poison?' Amira says, her voice breaking.

'Tetrodotoxin can have many effects on the human body.' The doctor says. 'It ranges from a long coma to paralysis.'

'This is so fucked,' Terzo says, rubbing his forehead.

'Alora and Xuan have two different cases as they both had different doses.' The doctor says. 'Alora barely escaped a coma but half of her body is numb.'

'My right side.' Alora adds, she looks exhausted. 'I also have abdominal pain.'

'Your friend Xuan here wasn't as lucky.' He continues. 'We don't know how long his coma will last and if he'll wake up paralysed but we can only hope for the best.'

'What exactly does Tetrodotoxin do?' Adriano asks.

'It's kills the nerves in your body and causes muscle weakness and paralysis.' The doctor replies. 'Worst case scenario is Xuan will never walk again.'

'Can you detect where it came from?' I ask. 'Because not all of us were affected.'

'It will take some time but I could figure it out if I'm given the plates and cups of food.' He says. 'Alora will also have to rest here for a couple of days.'

'So someone poisoned them?' Lorenzo says. 'That's could've been any of us in their position.'

The doctor tells us that we need to leave so Alora can rest and that he'll update us if anything.

When we get home, we throw away the food and I see Amira crying.

'We know it wasn't you.' Alessandro says. 'Otherwise all of us would've been poisoned.'

'It's someone who has something against Xuan and Alora.' Christianto says.

Everyone turns to Terzo but I interrupt them before they can start screaming at me.

'Terzo's been in his room all day and I was with him before dinner.' I say and he gives me a thankful smile. 'It wasn't him.'

'It could be Christianto.' Matteo says. 'He comes back and suddenly two of us are gone.'

'Oh come on.' Christianto mutters. 'It wasn't me.'

'Amira did you leave the room when you played the food?' Adriano asks and she nods.

'After I played it, I went to clean myself so I could pray.' She explains. 'I would've been gone for ten minutes maximum.'

'Was there anyone else in the kitchen when you left?' Adriano asks.

'No.' She replies.

Alora couldn't have been the traitor, she wouldn't ever try to harm Xuan, not with everything that they've been through. She wouldn't poison herself either.

It doesn't make sense. The second I think I know who's the traitor, something happens that causes me to change my mind.

'This is exactly what they're planning.' I mumble.

'What?' Matteo asks. 'What do you mean?'

'This is what Vittoria, Dominico and the traitor want.' I say. 'They're going to take us down from the inside and we're not going to know who it is.'

'We'll find out soon.' Adriano says. 'I'll make sure of it.'

We put Alora and Xuan's plate and cups into a plastic bag, getting them ready so we can take them to the doctor.

'We're lucky that it wasn't Dilara's plate.' Lorenzo says. 'Otherwise we would've lost the baby.'

What if they're trying to slowly take us down because they can't get to me straight away. They need to be patient and wait until I've given birth then they'll attack me straight up.

'They're hurting everyone I care about.' I say. 'And they're not going to stop u til it's just me, Adriano and the baby, so they can kill us together.'

Ooh two chapters in a couple hours, active era 🔛🔝!!!
I hope you're enjoying the story.
Have a nice day!

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