Chapter 21:

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Pablo gives me a boost and I crawl into the vent.

'Go straight and then turn left,' Cora commands. 'We'll be disabling the security cameras while you're on your way there.'

'Thanks guys,' I say.

'Keep going straight and you should be right on top of the room where the diamond is kept.' She says.

I look through one of the vents and see a black diamond and a security guard standing next to it.

I quietly open up the vent and drop myself into the room.

'Hands in the air where I can see them!' The man yells.

He turns around and I raise my arms.

'Oops, I thought this was the restroom.' I innocently bat my eyelashes.

He raises his gun and I kick it out of his hands I take the hairpin I'm wearing and stab him in the side of his neck.

I dust off my hands and turn to the diamond.

'The guard has the key to open the cabinet.' Cora explains.

I pat down the officer and find his keys. The key to the cabinet has a black gem on the top. I open the cabinet and take the diamond out.

'Hands up!' Someone yells from behind me.

'I thought you disabled the cameras,' I mutter.

'Shit, technical difficulties!' Cora exclaims.

'You can take them.' Christianto says.

'I know I can.' I mutter.

I put the diamond in my bra for safe keeping and turn around to the two officers blocking my only exit.

'Oh no my earring!' I gasp.

I crouch down and pretend to look for it.

'I said hands in the air!' The soldier snarls.

My hand trails to the knives strapped to my hips.

'As you wish,' I smirk.

I unsheathe a knife and throw it at one of the guards. It hits him right in the middle of his throat and he starts choking and coughing, blood coming out of his mouth.

The other soldier shoots at me and it hits my arm. A pain shoots through it and I duck behind the cabinet.

I grab a gun from the guy I killed earlier and shoot at the soldier. I miss a couple times before I hit him in the chest.

I stand up and straighten my dress.

'I can never not get blood on my dresses.' I mutter.

I walk out of the room and down a corridor I shoot down three soldiers who run towards me and the alarm goes off.

'Are you alright!' Pablo asks as I walk into the room they're in.

'Of course I am, it's just a bit of blood.' I roll my eyes.

Christianto hands me his jacket and I ignore it.

We run out of the room and shoot at the soldier chasing us. All I can hear are the alarm bells and police sirens.

We make it out and successfully get into our car.

'Have you secured the diamond?' Julia asks from the drivers seat.

'Of course,' I reply.

I clean myself up before I decide to go and give the diamond to Dominico.

I've passed his last test, now we can hurry up with the inheritance preparations.

'Is Dominico free?' I ask Christianto on the way there.

'He's busy, I would advise you not to go in.' He replies.

'Yeah, I'm not going to listen to you.' I smile.

I walk towards Dominico's office and the door is shut, but not all the way so I can hear snippets of conversation.

'Like I said before you owe me, not the other way around.' Dominico snarls.

'You're not going with your side of the plan,' A familiar voice says.


I make sure I'm hidden and listen to the rest of the conversation. Why is Vittoria here again.

'Adriano isn't stupid, he's going to figure it out soon.' He says.

'Just give me a little more time to bring him to his senses.' She adds. 'We just need Dilara gone.'


What does she mean by gone?

Dominico promised me a good life, he would never harm me. He only ever wanted to help me realise my full potential.

I remember what he told me the first time I met him.

'Adriano only wants to manipulate you, but when the time comes down to it, you'll be collateral damage like the rest of those people.'

Like that innocent child he killed.

'Dilara still has time, I have big plans for her.' Dominico states.

'Hold up your end of the deal, or have you gotten soft?' She asks.

'Just remember who helped you all those years ago.' He snarls. 'That boy is going to figure out that you're not his real mother.'

My eyes widen and my heart starts beating faster.

Vittoria isn't Adriano's real mother. If it's not her than who is. A shiver runs up my spine. Are Alessandro, Matteo and him even related?

'He will never know.' Vittoria snaps.

'Don't forget that you betrayed the man you loved.' Dominico snarls. 'And in the end you had the burden of raising his son.'

'The day Adriano figures out that I'm not his mother is the day Dilara knows your entire plan and not just the lies you and Christianto are feeding her.' Vittoria snaps.

I hear heavy footsteps behind me and turn around.

'Don't you know it's bad to eavesdrop?' Christianto asks from behind me.

I stand up straighter and turn to him.

'How long have you been there?' I ask.

'Longer than you'd like.' He grabs my arm and pushes the door open.

Dominico and Vittoria stop talking and turn to us.

'Look who I found being heavily interested in your conversation.' He says.

Dominico's brown eyes land on me and he narrows his eyebrows.

'Well, well it's nice of you to join us Dilara.' Dominico smirks.

I'm so scared for your reactions but I'm so excited to hear some theories!
Have a nice day!

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