Chapter 31:

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Adriano took the DNA test results worse than I thought.

Mimi, Alessandro, Rory, Fouzia and I are sitting on the couch watching a movie when Adriano walks in drunk.

I told Mimi I couldn't be in the same room as Fouzia but she forced me too and put us in either side of the couch.

Her and Adriano seem like they're close.

'Hey pazza,' he slurs.

I look up at him and roll my eyes. I feel so bad for him.

'Adriano, sit down you're drunk.' I mutter.

'I'm grieving,' he replies. 'Do you know what it feels like to grieve?'

Of course I do.

I grieved his 'death' for weeks.

'Yeah, I do,' I reply.

'Well then we're on the same boat.' He laughs.

Adriano passes me the bottle of Tequila and I place it on the table.

'I'm trying to cut back.' I mutter.

Mimi smiles at me proudly.

'You know pazza, there's a lot of things I've never told you.' He says.

Adriano leans forward and moves a piece of hair out of my face. I lean my head to the side and look up at him.

'Oh yeah?' I reply softly. 'And what's that?'

'The real reason I cut you off.' He chuckles, and shakes his head.

My heart drops and I swallow the lump in my throat.

'I really let you go,' he mutters, more to himself than anyone else.

His finger trails along my jawline and down my neck. I grab his hand and push it away from me.

'Let's get you to bed.' I say.

I stand up and go to help Adriano up the stairs.

He pulls me in by the waist and looks into my eyes.

'Did I ever tell you, how beautiful you are,' he murmurs, his breath tickling my ear.

His eyes dart down to my lips and I shake my head slowly.

He's drunk, he's lying.

'I'll take him,' Fouzia says. 'I'm his wife, I can take care of him.

She comes next to me and takes Adriano's arm away from me.

'I can do it.' She glares right at me.

I shrug and go back to my seat, while Fouzia takes Adriano to the bedroom where I think both of them will be staying.

Adriano doesn't look in my direction during breakfast at all and I'm not mad about it.

I think.

'We're breaking Blondie out tonight.' Alessandro says.

'Her name's Eliza.' Alora mutters. 'And how do we know she's helpful.'

'We just have to wait and see,' Terzo shrugs.

Fouzia walks into the kitchen and sits beside Adriano. She gives him the biggest smile ever and he looks away from her confused.

'I have an announcement to make,' Fouzia says.

'Go ahead,' Mimi replies.

'I'm pregnant.' She says.

My cup slips out of my hands and drops onto the floor, Alora and Mimi's eyes widen. Amira's knife drops from her hand and Alessandro stands there shocked.

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