Chapter 20:

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Terzo walks in on us watching the movie and bursts out laughing.

I immediately glare at him and put my finger to my lips.

'She fell asleep, shut up.' I snap.

'You're never living this down.' He laughs as he leaves the room.

I pick up Rory and take her to the little cot in her room.

'You're a little asshole.' I say to Terzo, following him into the kitchen.

'And you're a huge softie.' He retorts and hands me a can of coke.

I drink from the can and he sits opposite me.

'Adriano we need to talk.' Fouzia says walking into the room.

'I don't think we do,' I reply, Terzo sniggers.

'It's urgent.' She places her hands on her hips.

'Go on.'

'I want to have a child.' She says.

Terzo chokes on his drink and starts coughing hysterically.

I force myself to swallow my drink and look at her.

'You're crazy if you think I'd want a child with you.' I snap.

How insane can this woman be?

'I think it would bring us closer and it would please Vittoria.' She continues.

'And what makes you think I want to please that woman?' I ask.

'She's your mother,' I roll my eyes.

'I have pleased her enough by agreeing to this marriage, I have nothing left to prove to her.' I say.

'But I do,' she replies. 'Please Adriano.'

'Maybe I should g-' Terzo says standing up and I shoot him a glare which makes him sit back down.

I'm silent.

'Adriano wouldn't you want your own heir?' She asks.

I slam my hand down onto the table.

'The answer is no, end of discussion.' I snarl.

'I am your wife, and I demand you listen to me!' She yells.

I hear Rory start crying from the other room.

'I really think I should-' Terzo starts.

'You sit down,' I snarl at him. 'And you shut up.' I turn back to her.

Fouzia leaves the room and Terzo clears his throat.

'Well that was really awkward.' He mutters.

I ignore him and go to check on my niece.

Mimi and Alessandro get back a couple hours later.

'How were the houses?' I ask.

'Amazing, we put the deposit down for one and should be moving in soon.' Mimi replies.

'I pulled some strings so we should be out of here in no time.' Alessandro kisses her forehead.

Rory extends her arms for her mother and Mimi picks her up and smothers her in kisses.

My deep red dress sits perfectly at my hips and flows down my legs. The slit in the skirt exposes my leg and black heels that I've paired with them.

The long Diamond necklace I'm wearing sits right below my collarbones and my earrings glitter.

Julia's packed me a lipstick that is actually a blade and it's extremely useful.

I make my way to the meeting room. Cora and Pablo are wearing their uniforms while Christianto is wearing a black suit with a handkerchief matching my dress.

Julia puts a huge bag on the table and unzips it. We all take a gun each and I take two knives.

'The weapons in your purse are undetectable.' She explains. 'The rest you might have to put down during security.'

I put my gun in my thigh holster and look up to see Christianto watching my every move.

He sees that I caught him staring and quickly looks away while clearing his throat.

'Lets get going now or we're going to be late.' Cora looks at her watch.

We make our way to the garage and get inside the black Range Rover waiting for us.

'Good luck,' Dominico's voice says through my earpiece. 'I'll be watching closely.'

Of course you will.

'Thanks,' I reply.

'Cora and Pablo have left their vehicles and entered in from the back.' Julia says through the earpiece.

I link my arm through Christianto's and we make our way into the bank.

'Hello, how can I help you,' the receptionist asks.

She has piercing blue eyes and brown hair. Her glasses rest on the tip of her freckled nose.

'We would love to sign up to your bank.' Christianto says.

'Of course what is your name and date of birth?' She asks as she turns to her screen.

'Harrison Melinez,' he replies. '3rd of February 2000.'

'And would you like to add anyone else to the account?' She asks.

'Yes, my wife over here.' He puts an arm around me and holds me close.

I give him the side eye but smile sweetly at the lady.

We need to do this long enough so Cora and Pablo can let us know where the opening will be.

'And her name is?'

'Roberta Melinez.' Christianto replies.

Out of all the names he could've given me, he calls me Roberta.

'Ok just give me a minute and bring out some proof of ID.' She murmurs.

Christianto takes out our fake passports and slides them over to the woman.

'It's time to make your move Dilara.' Cora says through the earpiece.

'Oh my god!' I exclaim.

Christianto and the receptionist both look at me, alarmed.

'Have you people never heard of air conditioning!' I fan myself.

'My wife here, is extremely claustrophobic!' Christianto yells.

'I'm so sorry ma'am would you like some water?' The receptionist asks.

'I need the bathroom immediately!' I yell.

'Of course, down the hall to the right.' She says quickly.

Christianto and I walk down the hallways and walk straight past the toilet to a room down the hall.

The security guard next to the door is sound asleep.

Julia drugged his daily coffee and she's been watching his shifts for weeks. No one should come down this way for a while.

I quietly take his key card and slide it into the door. It unlocks with a click and we walk in.

Cora and Pablo are standing in the room and the vent is opened.

'It's your turn from here Di,' Chris says, gently pushing me.

I really love all the support I've gotten for this book so far thank you so much!
Have a nice day!

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