Chapter 34:

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The icy cold water engulfs me and I splash around. I hear another splash and feel strong arms around my waist, pulling me up.

As soon as I reach the surface I take a gulp of fresh air and glare at Adriano in front of me. My legs wrap around his torso, trying to keep me above water.

'You still can't swim?' He asks, smirking.

'No,' I cough. 'I didn't have time to learn.'

'I'm sorry, but this is the only way I could get you to listen to me.' He explains. 'Since someone wanted to be stubborn.'

'It's not being stubborn if I cut off your arms.' I snap.

I try push him away from me and realise he took off his shirt and that he's also my only form of support.

And he's also shirtless...

'After this, you can hate me and hit me and do whatever you want,' He says. 'but at least I'll feel more like a person if I tell you the truth,'

A moment of silence passes between us, His grey eyes scan my face.

He looks vulnerable.

Adriano Giovanni is letting me see him in a state of vulnerability.

'Vittoria and Dominico want us to stay away from each other.' We say at the same time.

'Why?' I ask.

Adriano shrugs, that's something we both don't know.

'After I found you,' Adriano starts. 'I got a series of calls and warnings telling me to stay away from you otherwise we all die.'

I narrow my eyebrows.

'Christianto took me to Raven base, and showed me videos of you doing monstrous things,' I explain. 'You killed a child in front of their father.'

'I did no such thing.' He replies.

I laugh dryly.

'Dilara you know I wouldn't.' He says, seriously.

'Then who did?' I ask.

'That person who I disguised as my dead body killed that child.' He says. I search Adriano's face for any hint of a joke but he's deadly serious.

'Tell me pazza,' He mutters. 'Did you see my face in the video or just the back of a man who had the same build and hair colour as me?'

'But the note,' I mutter.

'That man killed the child for a room in the motel.' He explain. 'I helped the man bury his son and kill the murderer.'

My heart drops.

'I then disfigured the murderer and used his body as a fake one of mine.'

'I'm so stupid,' I mutter, my eyes watering. 'I trusted him.'

'We both got played,' he says. 'I should've noticed when Vittoria knew her way to The Raven's base.'

'But what about the recording?' I ask. 'You said that love makes you weak.'

'It was taken out of context, Dominico made me choose between the mafia or killing all that I love.' he explains.

I stay silent and a tear falls down my cheek. Adriano wipes it away and lets go of me, his hands still on my waist supporting me.

'You didn't kiss Raphael that night at the park, Did you pazza?' He asks quietly, cupping my face in his hands

I shake my head.

'I haven't let anyone touch me, since that moment in the living room.' I reply. 'It wasn't all fake was it?'

'None of it was,' He mutters. 'I have never loved anyone this hard.'

I lean into him and our lips brush. He trails his hand down my arm and reaches the bandage.

I shrink back from him but still hold his arm for support.

Adriano gives me a look that shows he's confused and hurt.

'I'm so sorry,' I whisper. 'But this can't happen.'

'What can't?' He asks.

'This,' I whisper signalling around us. 'Us.'

I have had the complete same mindset of hating Adriano for two years.

It's been drilled into my head constantly, and a little conversation in a pool isn't going to solve anything.

I'm not going to be able to forgive that easily. I'm not the same person I was before, and it's time Adriano figures it out.

Adriano nods slowly.

'This is just way too much to process.' I explain.

'I understand,' he replies. 'Take your time.'

He picks me up by my waist and takes me out of the pool.

Adriano gives me a sad smile and walks back into the house.

I wrap a towel around me and make my way to my bedroom.

Christianto and Dominico have both been lying to me this entire time. Has the only reason Christianto been interested in me is because he wanted power?

His feelings were never genuine. Those moments when he took me out, when he comforted me in his car.

Everything was fake.

Everything they said to me was a lie.

I told myself I wouldn't trust so easily and look what happened. I'm constantly getting stabbed in the back.

I wipe my eyes and change into a new set of warm clothing Mimi put out for me.

The makeup on my neck faded so I redo it and tighten the bandage on my wrist.

Dominico trained me to fight.

So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Fight until I get revenge, fight until he's dead.

And I will be the one to kill him.

He's put me through enough shit, manipulated me and took me away from the one I loved.

It's time Dominico De'Bardi's reign comes to an end.

And mine begins.

We just love it when Dilara wants to get revenge on someone. I hope you're enjoying the story.
Have a nice day!

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