Part I: Fight

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Hey everyone!

Firstly, I want to thank all of you who have been engaging with this story. Your likes and messages of encouragement do not go unnoticed. I smile every time I get a notification from someone adding this to their library... Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Some quick notes before you begin reading

Y/n is younger than Levi in this story *around 28 years old*.

There is a lot of smut in this story, so beware! You will be finding warnings on the beginning of such chapters.

This story is very, very romantic and a slow burn!

Please feel free to leave comments, I love seeing y'all engaging with this story!



The sun was setting, its departure filling the sky with hues of pink and orange. Birds danced through the air, their chorus in perfect harmony, a symphony of nature. This was Levi Ackerman's favorite time of the day—how peaceful, how delicate, he mused, a stark contrast to the usual chaos ignited by the refugee camp in the wounded heart of Liberio.

The Marleyans, despite their propensity for loudness, exhibited an outstanding kindness and empathy towards one another. To Levi, who often found himself wandering the camp alone or occasionally being wheeled around by Gabi, this communal warmth made sense.

Gabi's company, though not particularly sought after by him due to her talkative and expressive nature—polar opposites to his own tendency towards introspection and profound silence—provided him with entertainment and, more significantly, a distraction from his troubled thoughts.

Or rather, memories.

Memories of fallen friends, of cadets whom he had come to consider family. Memories of destruction and loss.

Eren Jaeger might have desired to erase humanity beyond the walls, but he certainly did not erase Levi's memories, nor did he erase his people.

"We should get going now, the sun is setting," he announced, breaking the contemplative silence.

"Yes, Levi," the auburn-haired girl replied, obediently pushing his wheelchair back towards the tent that served as the former captain's quarters.

Inside, Falco awaited them, finishing up the tea Levi always had before bed. The tent was remarkably clean, imbued with the comforting scents of lavender and cinnamon. Gabi bid them goodnight and retreated to her own tent, knowing well that it was Falco's duty to assist Levi with getting undressed and into bed.

While doing so, the blond young man handled Levi's left leg with utmost care, cautious not to inflict any unintentional pain, fully aware of Levi's numbness yet uncertain of its bounds.

That leg never fully recovered from the final battle, unlike his right, which had healed adequately.

Feeling so vulnerable, so dependent, was something Levi detested. The notion of being cared for by those who were practically children, even if they weren't kids anymore, was a bitter pill for his pride to swallow.

Once Falco had left the tent, silence enveloped the space. It wasn't long before Levi felt the grip of sleep pulling at his consciousness, the numbness in his leg becoming lighter, almost ethereal.

His body relaxed fully, sinking into the mattress until he could no longer tell where his body ended and the bed began. The scent of lavender wafted around him, lulling him into a deeper state of relaxation.

That is, until a sound caught his attention.

Singing? Humming?

The melody was ethereal, almost celestial—unlike anything he had ever heard before.

His body tensed as the beautiful voice continued its haunting song:

"For so long I've waited, Ymir, Ymir...I've been waiting for your call..."


Was he already asleep? Teetering on the edge of consciousness?

Was this all just a bizarre dream?

Levi Ackerman pushed himself out of bed as best as he could, his movements hindered by the numbness, grabbing onto any stable surface to prevent a fall.

He hastily opened his tent and peered outside, desperate to find the source of the mysterious and captivating sound.

Looking left, then right, he found the camp eerily deserted.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now