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The auburn-haired girl fixed her gaze on you, her eyes holding a mix of disbelief and resentment, while Levi appeared surprised, as though your presence was unexpected beyond the previous night.

"I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?" she demanded, her tone insistent.

Levi's scrutiny intensified, as if he sought to unravel your intentions. You felt his eyes probing, searching for something you weren't sure you wanted to reveal. Yet, you sensed he knew there was more to your approach than met the eye, and you braced yourself for his reaction.

You met Gabi's gaze, summoning a smile despite the tension hanging in the air. "I've been busy helping out Doctor Keith at the Hospital," you replied, the lie slipping easily from your lips, though it left a bitter taste in your mouth. The ease with which deceit came to you troubled you, a reminder of the compromises you'd made to survive.

Gabi's expression softened, her eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "I understand, (Y/n). You've always been really selfless. I appreciate everything you do for the camp. have you been?"

You returned her smile, though it felt strained. "I've been fine, thank you. It's nice seeing you again."

Gabi's attention shifted to Levi, eager to introduce him. "Oh, good! Good. I'm glad you met (Y/n). She's wonderful to be around, lovely company really! Did you know she paints?"

Levi's response was terse. "Mhm. Landscapes."

Your mind raced, wondering how he knew about your painting. Had he been watching you? The thought unnerved you, stirring a sense of vulnerability you weren't prepared to confront. You struggled to maintain composure under his scrutiny, your bravado faltering in the face of his unyielding gaze.

A shiver ran down your spine, and you fought to steady yourself. "Yes... sunsets as well," you replied, attempting to redirect the conversation. "I just really like certain views in this camp. But... it's been getting colder and colder, I'm afraid the weather is gonna stop me from spending hours by the river."

Levi's gaze remained fixed on you, his expression inscrutable. You avoided meeting his eyes directly, feeling a flush of discomfort rise in your cheeks.

Gabi's curiosity turned to your art. "'ll have to paint other things then. Mhm...have you ever painted people? Like, portraits?"

You hesitated, the memory of your mother's passing casting a shadow over the conversation. "I haven't in a long time, no. Not since mom died."

The air grew heavy with unspoken sorrow, and Gabi reached out to grasp your hand in a gesture of comfort. Despite her efforts to lift the mood, a palpable tension lingered, underscored by Levi's silent observation.

Gabi's suggestion about a portrait caught Levi's attention, and you held your breath, awaiting his response. The thought of being alone with him in his tent sent a wave of apprehension through you, yet you couldn't bring yourself to protest.

Levi met your eyes again, devoid of emotion. "Why would anyone want to see me in a painting?"

"Because you're Levi Ackerman! Who wouldn't?" Gabi interjected eagerly.

He sighed softly, his gaze still fixed on you. You found yourself captivated by the intricate details of his face, the faded scar that marked his skin, the softness in his features that belied the hardness within. When he finally relented, a weight lifted from your shoulders.


Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now