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It was so bright, it was almost blinding. Those branches of light. That familiar, cold sand. The air felt still, quiet. You felt a sense of belonging deep within yourself. You knew exactly where you were. You knew exactly who you were looking for.

'Ymir? Where are you?', you yelled, as you walked toward the light. You were slow and precise as you felt the sand beneath your feet. Why had she brought you here again? What was she trying to show you this time? The wind played with your hair as you continued your steady pace toward the light and the unknown.

And that's when you saw her. She was walking slowly toward you - her steel eyes looked into yours with precision and coldness. You knew she would not talk. You knew, still, that she would tell you everything you needed to know. Once she was standing right in front of you, only inches away from your body, she extended her hand to you. Your parted your lips with curiosity, understanding completely guiding your actions. 

You held her hand. And she held yours. Tight.

You slowly opened your eyes. The mattress under your body held your body with comfort and a strange sense of nostalgia began to arise. Your body and mind felt utterly tired as you brushed your fists against your heavy eyelids. You could smell your mom's stew. You knew exactly where you were then. Could it be? 


A deep sense of excitement took over you as you stood from your bed and run to open your bedroom door. Right behind it, you would see your home's kitchen. You would see your mother, again, after all these years. You quickly and excitedly turned the knob and pushed your body out of your room, only to feel confusion grow within yourself as you felt your eyes blink repeatedly.

A young man was sitting by your kitchen's table. He was the only other person in the room. On top of the stove, your mom's old stew began to burn away. The smell made you almost feel sick to your stomach. The man then looked into your eyes with a cold, still expression. You felt scared and confused as you furrowed your brows, your lips slightly parted as you continued to look at him. As he stood up, you then took in his features. He had big, green eyes. His long, brunette hair kept in a bun. He was handsome, yet he looked... lifeless. He didn't look human.

'Who... who are you? Where's my mother?', you exhaled as you looked into his eyes. He remained silent as he approached you slowly.

'You know who I am', he whispered. He then extended his hand to you, just like Ymir had. You continued to look into his eyes, feeling less scared by the second. 'You know exactly where you are. And what you have to do', his voice remained stern as he held eye contact with you.

' are Eren Yaeger...' you asked, but it wasn't really a question. At that moment, you knew. You knew exactly what was happening. Without hesitation, you held onto his hand. And everything turned to black.

It was so cold. You could feel the breeze against your skin as you began to regain consciousness. Your body was shaking. That, you knew. Someone was shaking you awake. Someone was holding  you tight. You could feel your clothing was damp and cold. Were you lying on the ground?

'(Y/n)! For fucks sake! Wake up!', the voice was deep and cut through you as you began to open your eyes. It wasn't a yell but it was loud enough to allow you to become more aware of your surroundings. Once you had fully opened your eyes, you saw him.


He was holding you tight as he laid on his knees. Your whole body rested on his arms and on the stables floor. Shit. Had you been sleepwalking again?


'Fuck. You're awake', he sighed, relief palpable in his voice. His hand grazed your cheek and neck as you softly smiled at him. 

'Was I...?'

'Yes... I saw you wandering around and brought you here'

'God, I'm sorry...', you brought yourself to a seated position. Levi still held you against his chest.

'It's okay', you felt his arms graze your lower back and you allowed yourself to hug him tightly. You soon began to shiver, both from the cold air and the eerie sensation that remained inside your body.


'What did you see?'

You remained silent for some seconds, then slowly began to talk.

'I... was at The Coordinate, first. Ymir, I... held her hand. That's how she would... show me things. But, this time... she brought me back. Back to my childhood home'. Levi's gaze widened to your words. 'I woke up in my bed, I could swear I heard my mom but... when I got to the kitchen...', you looked around the stable, not able to hold his gaze.

'It's okay, you are here now... you are okay', he brushed streaks of your hair behind your ear. You looked into his eyes again.

'Levi, I saw Eren'

Silence invaded the room again. Levi frowned and an unknown expression dominated his face. You had never seen him like this before. His lips parted as his gaze deepened with yours.

'What?', he simply let out. You could tell he was searching for... something, as he looked into your eyes. 

'He... showed me something. Levi I...', tears began to stream down your face. The realization hit you suddenly. All of the memories. All of the memories Eren had shown you. So... detailed...

'What? What did he show you?', Levi spat. 

'The founding titan. Levi... I have the founding titan...', desperation took over your voice and expression. You buried your face onto Levi's shoulder then. 

And you did not want to look up ever again. 

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now