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Your steps were hurried as you made your way back to your tent, the weight of the encounter with Levi lingering like a heavy cloak around your shoulders. The darkness of the evening sky mirrored the unease that churned within you, a silent testament to the turmoil of emotions that stirred beneath the surface.

Once inside the confines of your tent, you collapsed onto your bed, the familiar embrace of the old mattress offering little solace against the storm raging within your mind. Thoughts swirled like leaves caught in a tempest, each one a reminder of the brief yet impactful exchange with the enigmatic ex-captain.

You couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment that clung to you like a second skin, the memory of Levi's piercing gaze leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. It was a sensation you were unaccustomed to, the confident facade you wore so effortlessly crumbling in the wake of his quiet intensity.

As you lay there, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts, your gaze fell upon the box of books tucked away beneath your bed. It was a collection amassed over months of surreptitious pilfering from the Hospital's library, each volume a treasure trove of forbidden knowledge.

Fingers trembling with anticipation, you rifled through the pages, the soft whisper of paper a soothing balm against the tumult raging within you. And then, like a beacon in the darkness, you found it—the image of the device you had studied in secret, a silent testament to the ingenuity of Paradis' military engineers.

The wooden prosthetic, designed to replace a lost limb, held a promise of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. It was a daring proposition, one that carried with it the weight of possibility and the burden of responsibility.

You knew the risks, the potential backlash from those who viewed such endeavors with suspicion and mistrust. But in the depths of your heart, you couldn't shake the conviction that this was the right path—the only path—that could lead Levi Ackerman back to walking.

With a newfound determination coursing through your veins, you clutched the book to your chest, the weight of its knowledge a tangible reminder of the journey that lay ahead. And as you closed your eyes, the image of Levi's face—the echo of his silent plea—haunted your dreams, a silent reminder of the stakes that awaited you if you were to share this.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now