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That very night, Levi, his old squad and you rode away from the camp in an attempt to escape another possible attack by The Warriors. Very few people had survived and it was a unanimous decision to move as far away from Liberio as possible. The group rode for hours and hours through landscapes, following Reiner's instructions - supposedly, there was an old town named Antel, east of Liberio. Although it was far from the camp, it was a good idea to move quickly and settle into a more modern town. In reality, this is something Levi had thought of for years - he had hoped to go somewhere and fulfill his dreams of opening a tea shop, but every time he thought about it before, he would sigh deeply and look at his leg. 

Even though he had felt like his injury had stopped him from accomplishing things those last three years, in reality, all he needed was a push. And as he rode on his horse, he thought of you and how you had changed his life so quickly since you two had met. You learnt about the procedure and how he could walk again - you just believed in him. You encouraged him more than anyone he had ever met. He then looked over his shoulder and saw you riding your horse, to your right was Doctor Keith. 

He felt so thankful for you two.

Levi then continued to think about you in your titan form - how you had destroyed the camp and killed innocents. He remembered the screams - the haunting slaughtering that took place through the flames. He recalled how disturbed and upset you felt afterwards. As you looked forward, he notice sadness still deeply settled in your eyes. Deep down, he knew your heart, and everyone understood the difficulty of handling a titan's power - specially the first time you shift. Nobody was upset with you, but still - Levi noticed you were concerned and embarrassed. He saw the guilt in your eyes.

Deep down, he deeply desired to show you how he didn't fear you at all - even if witnessing you doing monstrous things shocked him, even if it was honestly upsetting. He knew your heart like no one else did. He knew he would never fear you, no matter what. No matter how uneasy he had felt that night, due to his shock - what scared him the most, wasn't seeing you killing innocent people at all...

It was knowing that no matter what you did, he would always love you. 

That thought alone, was terrifying to him.

After hours of riding, the sun had set. Levi decided it was time to set up a camp for the night and gave out the order - everyone nodded and began to settle their horses and build up the tents. He observed as you got off your horse and crossed your arms over your chest. It was an intensely cold night, but he noticed your uneasiness stemming from something else, rather than the weather.

As you all finished building your tents, it was time to set up a fire. Reiner handled it like a pro as everyone gathered around it, trying to keep each other warm. Levi then noticed Mikasa and Jean holding each other tightly. Armin, on the other hand, kept looking into the fire - deep grief still invading his eyes. Even if he still detested Annie, Levi knew how much she meant to Armin. He then thought about losing you and forced himself to distract his own thoughts as he observed you. Your expression was... empty, as you looked into the fire - it reflected fiercely onto your eyes. Your pendant was now laying over your chest again, decorating your skin with it's crimson, shimmery color.

'Once you all finish dinner, please settle inside the tents. Groups of two, please' - Levi exclaimed as everyone nodded in agreement. He then locked his gaze onto yours, but you kept looking at the fire. 

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now