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Dark clouds surrounded the night sky. Even though everyone was expecting heavy rain, the Bonfire night still took place, since the water was anticipated for the very late hours of the night. Levi Ackerman sat in his wheelchair, his mind drifting between the last time he saw you and what Doctor Keith had told him earlier.

'Have you been using your cane?'

'I have, I've been practicing'

'Has anyone been helping you? Gabi, Falco? (Y/n)?'

'No, I've been doing it on my own just fine'

'Levi, you need someone to assist you in case you fall'

But he didn't care about falling. For the last couple of days he had been practicing using his cane whenever he found himself to be alone. Balancing on one foot was incredibly tough but not impossible, he found out. Since his pain had progressively become more manageable, he could feel himself looking forward to actually wearing the wooden leg. But the thought of your worried expression haunted him that night... He could barely concentrate on anything else.

You had been sitting across him, enjoying your night talking to his old squad members. He felt himself get lost in your sight. How pleasant it felt to see you converse with his folk so...naturally. You blended in perfectly and seemed genuinely comfortable around them.

Before he could realize, he heard Jean raise his voice.

'I just wish we could stay here longer, I really like Marley' - he sighed.

'I think you like the wine here...' - Armin sighed jokingly.

'That and the, the rivers here are beautiful!' - the copper haired man then glanced at Mikasa, who shyly looked away. Levi saw you noticing the interaction between the two. He then realized you hadn't looked at him once for hours.

He knew he had hurt you, or at least, he had hurt your pride. He could only pray that you hadn't figured out his internal conflict - how much he was trying to tackle his feelings for you, the growing fear of anything happening to you, the absolute terror that laid in the possibility of losing someone again. He felt selfish, he knew he was being so...but feeling more and more for you felt like something against his survival instincts. He didn't believe he could survive losing... yet again.

His gaze deepend onto yours while you grinned, surrounded by the people he cared for the most. Reiner and Annie had decided to stay in their tents, probably uncomfortable by it all. Levi couldn't care less - still, he felt genuinely curious about the time you'd spent with Reiner earlier that day. He was aware you two knew each other, but wondered how close you were. Had you forgiven him for what he had done to Paradis? But then again, was it really your place to forgive him at all?

Hours went by and Levi felt himself dissociate. This would happen more than he'd like to admit to himself. He felt overwhelmed by his own emotions: the excitement of seeing his comrades again, the uncertainty The Warrior's growing faction brought in Marley, the undeniable feelings he was growing for you, your pendant, Eren Jaeger...

He suddenly snapped out of it - Armin had placed his hand on the ex-Captain's shoulder.

'You alright, Captain?' - the blond man had a sweet smile on his face, genuine compassion emanating his expression.

'Yes, just tired' - Levi looked up and heard himself lie. He wondered if drinking might help him fall asleep, but then again... he hated booze. He believed it brought up the stupidity in people.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now