Candles 🍋

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It was quiet in the dining room. The table was made of an old, dark oak-like material. You could smell the butter scent coming from the small kitchen, you could hear the voices of Levi's old squad. You could sense the concern, the fear, the demise. As you played with your food, you felt Reiner's eyes heavily placed on you. His presence felt almost suffocating, even if you understood his intentions were good. Even if you knew him and his heart. Something about feeling similar to him in a way, made you feel nauseous. You were disgusted by your actions and felt completely helpless. As you lifted your head from your plate, you noticed it was only your group in the dining room, every other guest had gone to bed.

'We can't stay here long', the raven haired man let out, suddenly. He had barely touched his food. Levi was sitting across you and you could sense his anxiety well. 'We are leaving tomorrow morning'.

'But we don't know where to go. For all we know, more Warriors could be after us', Reiner refuted as he frowned. Levi let out a loud sigh as he glared at him.

'More reason to keep fucking moving, Braun. We need food, people, guns. We can't stay put'. You knew he was right. There was no good reason to stay at the Inn long. 'We need to find people who will fight'.

'No one will fight The Warriors except Jaegerists', you blurted out. You could feel everyone's eyes on you then, even if you weren't looking up. 'Unless we join them, we are screwed'. Levi frowned at your words.

'I know where their headquarters are', Mikasa sighed. You looked into her eyes as she continued. 'After... everything happened three years ago, I stayed with them for a year. I disguised myself the whole time. I... just needed to be close to people who loved Eren... as much as I did'. She then looked at her lap while Jean squeezed her hand. A part of you wanted to know more of her story. What did she feel towards Eren? What was their relationship like? Something about Eren remained mysterious. His actions, his part in all of what happened years ago. Why did you feel this way every time someone mentioned his name? Why did you feel as if you were somewhat connected to him? Could it be because of Ymir? As you came out of your trance, you heard Levi's voice again.

'Those bastards make me sick. But... we will need to disguise ourselves and join them. We have no other choice. We cannot let them know of our identities or we will be good as dead, understood?', everyone nodded eagerly at his words.

'I swear to god, this bastard continues to haunt us. Are you happy Eren?', Jean let out as he chuckled. Mikasa only smiled vaguely at his words. You knew by then that both of them were probably a couple. The way they held each other, the way they could almost speak silent words toward one another without even opening their mouths. It reminded you of Levi and yourself.

And then you noticed. Armin was in complete silence. You could tell he was still disturbed from what had happened earlier. Out of the whole group, he seemed like the one with the softest heart. Part of you wanted to hold him, to let him know everything would be okay. But why would you do that? You couldn't promise that to him. You couldn't promise that to anyone. You suddenly felt something graze your foot and looked discreetly under the table. You quickly realized it was Levi caressing you with his own wooden leg. You then looked up and placed your eyes onto him. He was holding his chin with one of his hands while his other arm was placed around his chest. He was observing Jean as he spoke, all in complete silence. You then realized he had been caressing you absentmindedly. You parted your lips at the realization, a puzzled expression decorated your face.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now