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For a couple of seconds, he could've sworn he had misheard you. The founding titan? How was that even possible? It could not be. Wasn't all of this long over? He suddenly felt as if he was dreaming, as if he had somehow ended up in a strange, sadistic nightmare. He held onto your body as he felt you shiver against his skin, his grip becoming tighter around you as seconds went by. He then pulled away and grabbed your face with both of his hands, his gaze now locking onto yours.

'Oi, oi. Come, follow me', he sighed as he helped you to your feet. In a matter of seconds that felt like hours, Levi guided both of you toward the Barrack's storage room. He knew it would be empty and the risks of people hearing the two of you would be lower there. Once you both arrived, he closed and locked the door behind you and turned a candlelight. He then observed as the light reflected onto your features: your eyes were watery and red, tainted with pain and worry. In that second, he wished he could carry the weight of the world for you. You both sat down - it was freezing. Levi placed his jacket around you as you continued to shiver. Your nightgown decorating your figure with precision.

'What are we supposed to do now? What am I supposed to do?', you exhaled, your gaze locked onto your thighs. For some reason, you wouldn't look at him in the eye. Knowing he did not have any answers for you, any solutions, completely shattered him.

'What did Eren show you?'

'He... I... saw everything. Everything that has happened. Everything that went down three years ago, everything that happened before then. His training years, his first time shifting, the moment he was assigned to your squad, your squad's... death... god, Levi...', you sighed then held your face with both of your hands, as if you would be able to burry your knowledge away. Levi continued to look at you with a widened gaze. You had seen it all. All those memories that had pained him so, so deeply.

'(Y/n), look at me', he held onto your wrists and gently removed your hands from your eyes. You then loked into his eyes as tears continued to decorate your cheeks. Your lips slightly parted as your breathing became more labored. 'Listen to me... did you... see how this all ends?', he felt his own lips tremble as those last words escaped his mouth. It pained him to ask you that, but he had to know.

'No', you exhaled as you slowly shook your head. 'I didn't just... see. I... felt. Everything. At once...', you pressed your fists against your heavy eyelids to somehow get rid of your tears. 'All of the grief, the fear. I felt it, I felt it all Levi. I am so, so sorry. What you have been through. What all of you have been through...', you held onto his hands and squeezed hard.

'It's all over now'

'Is it, though? What are we supposed to do?'

Silence took over the room as you two looked into each others eyes. The uncertainty and fear became more palpable as you continued to hold each other.

'We fight. We fight The Warriors. And we win', he finally exhaled. His gaze remained in a deep frown. Deep down, he knew he couldn't promise anything. He felt so fucking lost. And he was terrified of losing you. He would not take it if he lost you.

'And then what? We win and I live for... how long? I have no idea how long I've had this titan. Ymir separated her soul into the pendant almost... a decade god...', you then started to lose it. You stood up from the ground abruptly, letting go of Levi's hands. 'I... I am sorry. I can't do this. I...', your lips began trembling then. Levi tried to hold your wrists but you pulled away.

'Hey, hey...', he tried. But there was no use. He knew it was all too much. Too much fear. Too much sadness and grief. But still, he tried. 'Don't. Just hold my hand', he sighed, trying to get a grip of your skin. You held onto your stomach and held a pained expression, but you did not cry. It looked as if you had run out of tears at that point.

'What? Why should I hold you? I... I will be gone soon. I will die Levi, what's the fucking point?', you raised your voice. Levi parted his lips and held your gaze, dread suddenly taking over his body. 'Why should we... if I will be gone? I can't do that to you', you sighed deeply as your breathing became heavier.

'Don't fucking say that. (Y/n), don't do this', he raised his voice, now grabbing both of your shoulders to keep you in place. You held his gaze as your lips remained parted, your chest moving abruptly as you continued to breath agitatedly.

'I'm sorry', you whispered. You pushed him slightly and quickly opened the door, exiting the room.

And that was it. You were gone.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt