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Levi emerged from the depths of sleep with a gradual surrender, his body reluctantly acknowledging the morning. Propped up on his bed, his eyelids felt weighted, the burden of consciousness settling upon him. Then, like a tide, the ache surged through him, a sharp, relentless agony nestled beneath his left knee. He exhaled heavily, each breath a labor against the pain. Clenching his fists, he shut his eyes tight, teeth grinding against the torment.

Suppressing a cry, Levi battled his pride, grappling with the raw intensity of the sensation. A solitary tear trailed down his cheek, a silent admission of his suffering. This ordeal, he knew, surpassed any preparation for post-surgery pain.

Dr. Keith entered the tent, bearing a steaming cup of tea, his arrival a respite from Levi's torment. With practiced care, he assisted the former Captain into a semi-upright position, offering the cup as relief.

"Here, this should help ease the pain," Dr. Keith offered.

Levi gulped the scalding tea, oblivious to its temperature in his desperation for respite. Collapsing back onto his pillow, he shut his eyes, the crease of his brow betraying his continued discomfort.

"The tea should also aid in sleep," Dr. Keith added.

"Has anyone visited?" Levi's voice was a whisper, interrupting the doctor's thoughts.

Dr. Keith paused, surprised by the inquiry. "Yes, Gabi and Falco stopped by while you were resting."

Levi's eyes fluttered open, a hint of a frown lingering. "Anyone else?"

"Y/n is right outside. She preferred to see you awake before she entered," Dr. Keith replied.

Levi's expression softened, understanding your reluctance. He sensed your fear, the prospect of witnessing him in such a vulnerable state. Recalling the morning when he held you close, he realized he would have done the same, shielding himself from the sight of your unconscious form, fearing you might never wake.

"Should I send her in?" Dr. Keith asked.


Minutes later, you entered the tent, your presence a balm to Levi's anguish. As you drew near, he scrutinized your every movement, from the sway of your skirt to the ethereal grace of your form. Your eyes, wide with concern, met his, your touch gentle as you clasped his hand. A solitary tear escaped you, yet your composure remained steadfast, a testament to your relief.

Your fingers brushed his cheek, the soft caress a lifeline amidst his pain. Levi exhaled, yielding to the solace of your touch, his body relaxing against the bed.

"How are you feeling?" you asked softly.

"Better now," Levi replied, his gaze fixed on yours.

"I'd like to help you back to bed," you murmured.

Levi's lips parted in surprise, his pride stung by the offer. Accustomed to self-sufficiency, he bristled at the notion of needing assistance. Yet, as he gazed into your eyes, he recognized your genuine concern, your willingness to care for him.

With a silent nod, he guided your hand to his chest, intertwining your fingers. Levi, a man hardened by loss, grappled with his vulnerability, torn between the fear of abandonment and the longing for connection.

"Only on one condition," he whispered, his gaze never leaving yours.

You leaned in, your expression curious.

"Will you stay with me every night?" Levi asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Your eyes widened, a flicker of surprise dancing within them. Yet, as you drew closer, a tender smile graced your lips, your innocence a beacon of reassurance.

"I will," you whispered, pressing your lips to his.

In that moment, Levi dared to hope, to believe that amidst the pain and uncertainty, there existed the promise of solace, of connection. And as your lips met his, he surrendered to the possibility of healing, of love blooming amidst the wreckage of his past.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now