Chapter 1- Flashback

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Chapter 1- Flashback

When I was little, me and my mom and dad were not rich and we were not poor, we were just another ordinary family. My mom went to the grocery store every Monday morning and one day I decided that I wanted to go with her.

But while we were in the car about to go this man walked up to us. He was wearing a black suit. He did not say anything he just looked at my mother. When I looked up to see her face she looked like she was about to die of fear "like a deer in headlights".

I held onto her hand more tightly not wanting to let go.

Then she looked, smiled at me, and said "Go back in the house Jasmine." I didn't want to let go of her hand but I did and went back into the house. When I had looked out the window to see if she was ok, she was gone and so was the man in the black suit. That was the last time I had seen her and that was 11 years ago.

Ever since then my father has been to work more often. I barley see him so I'm alone most of the time. I wanted him to be here. Even though I only lost one parent it felt like I lost both and I just didn't feel safe. I wanted to know what he did at his job. What was so important that he had to forget about me?

When I tried to ask him about he would just change the subject and say "As long as there money in the house you do not need to worry Jasmine." He would give me a smile and walk off but deep down I knew that smile was fake.

Ever since my mom went missing he was never the same. He seemed to be duller...more secretive. I wanted some answers. What was he hiding? It was time that I got them myself because I knew he wouldn't give them to me. I decided to follow him. I jumped in the back of the car. Trying not to make a sound. He finally started the car and as tarted to drive. We were on the road for what seemed like hours my father is usually home by now. " I am really tired it will not hurt if i sleep for 1 minute".

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