Chapter 45- Hell

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Chapter 45- Hell

Gabriel's Point Of View

Shawn - you little.....

He fell down to the ground. I turned around and saw Sasha holding the gun.

Sasha- Go to Hell

The men that were holding me ran away and I ran towards Sasha and Jasmine.

Me- Why would you do that?!?!?!!

Sasha- Because if anyone is going to kill you its going to be me.

Then she fell out. I went out and got some help but when I came back only Jasmine was in the room

"I guess she didn't pass out after all but.......... now its finally over".

A few second later I heard Jasmine say something.

Jasmine- You're wrong its not over not till we destroy that machine....I made a promise and I plan to keep it.

She put her hand over her arm and I could tell it was taking all of her strength to stand.

"You are right, I'm sorry".

Two Weeks Later .

We looked everywhere we could possible think of but we couldn't find Sasha anywhere, but I know that one day we will see her again. Everything is slowly calming down. As other agents are trying hard to find the machine so we have time to relax and actually live out our lives.






"What do you think you are doing"?

When I went in the training hall I saw Chad trying to touch Jasmine.

Chad- Nothing

Jasmine turned around and gave me a hug followed with a kiss.

"Are you getting jealous, boyfriend"?

Then I picked her up

"Of what"?

Chad- Standing right here.


We both laughed and I put Jasmine down.

Me- Do you want to go out tonight?

"Sure"! she replied with a smile that wanted me to do more than kiss her.

but we just kissed again.

Chad- Get a room

he said while rolling his eyes. Then I turned around and looked at him.


After that he just walked away.

Jasmine- You shouldn't do that to him I'm not some prize for you to just go around bragging about.

Me- "I know that. Me and Chad were friends since we were little he knows I'm just playing with him. I would never do that to you.....ever."

She just quickly turned her back to me.

"I'll see you tonight"! Then she ran for it.

I couldn't help but smile.

"You're hopeless".


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