Chapter 15- A Day Out

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Chapter 15- A Day Out

A few days after doing training. We decided to go out to celebrate Sasha's Birthday. Sasha was nice, sweet, and kind and it's hard to believe she is at this base because it seems like she wouldn't even hurt a fly.

I also have been staying with her since my father died. We all decided to go to a sushi place downtown. "Hi Jasmine" Chad called out. I saw where his hands were going and before he got there I punched him in the face.

"When are you ever going to learn" I said while sighing. " You girls look beautiful". I turned around and there was Gabriel".

"You do too" I said. "I mean handsome"! Hahaha "I know what you mean" he said. The rest of the night was great. "Excuse me" I said. "Jasmine is there something wrong" Sasha said in a worried voice.

" No it's nothing". I got up and walked outside. I just looked up at the night sky the moon was shining brightly. "Mind if I join you". Surprisingly it was Gabriel.


What do you think will happen between them keep reading to find out

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