21: Ailing Ruby

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Two days after I came back home, I was already feeling well. The pain was gone. Next week I will be getting my leg braces temporary, at least that's what I have been told. Charlie and Kathie went out with Papa for grocery shopping and Leo went back to Chicago yesterday. Papa was staying with me for a few weeks, although Leo insisted us to come along with him, I wasn't going anywhere. My best friend needs me and I need her. Leo didn't even stay at Charlie's apartment unlike Papa and I. He stayed in a hotel. I didn't ask him to stay with us either. I know that would have made it awkward for him and Charlie.

After what feels like a decade, I was home alone. For the past few days, Papa, Charlie, and Marcus have been treating me like a child. It feels good to be on my own, even for just an hour or so. I was watching television in the lounge when the doorbell rang. I knitted my eyebrows at the thought of Charlie and Papa coming back so soon – it has hardly been fifteen minutes since they left. Once more the doorbell rang and blew my cheeks out – why as Charlie not using the keys? I thought and got up with the help of my crutches. I made my way to the door and opened the door.

I wasn't prepared to see the person standing in front of me. Never did I think that I would ever see her again – I wished to never be in the same room as hers, but here she was standing in front of me with her hands intertwined in front of her. I gaped as cold sweat started to form on my forehead. Our last interaction rushed through my head. Her pointing a gun at me, the maniacs look in her eyes – brutal words coming out of her mouth. Her presence knocked the air out of my lungs. "Hello, Maria." Although, she said my name softly, but still it made me feel chills down my spine.

I gulped and held the doorknob tightly, "Ruby." I said. I glanced at the bag that was hanging on her shoulder – I was really alert, just in case, she pulls out any weapon from her handbag – as she did before. Her eyes averted where my eyes were and she chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, Maria. I don't have a gun with me. I am not crazy anymore or not that much." She said. I looked into her wrinkled eyes. "I am just here to talk." She lifted her hand in the air as if she was surrendering, but she never does surrender, now does she? "I am here to apologize." She added.

I narrowed my eyes. Is she even capable of apologizing? I glanced at the empty corridor and gulped down the lump I was feeling in my throat, "Isn't it too late for that?" I asked her bitterly. "Everything is over, Ruby. You ruined everything. Your apology would mean nothing, so it is better if you would just go back." I spat. Every word of baseless accusation was coming back to me. Each hated glare I received because of her, each burning word I heard because of her was spinning around my head. Both were unwanted, Ruby, and the memories she brought back with her.

She looked down and gulped. She paused for a second before she inhaled a deep breath and lifted her face. Her teary eyes met mine. She pressed her lips together, "I am – I am not well, Maria." She whispered as her voice wobbled. I frowned. I wasn't sure what she was up to now. She glanced at her appearance – she sure looked much older and weak. She looked thinner. "I am here to apologize, that is it. I mean no harm. Please believe me." She asked as she grabbed the frame of the door. Her eyes dropped for a second before she gained her balance.

"What happened to you?" I asked her as she does look sick. I remember, once Elizabeth told me about her alcohol addiction. She told me that Ruby was in rehab for a while for an excessive drinking problem. Maybe it was because of it, but I asked her anyway.

She paused for a second, "I have cancer." She said to me slowly. I gasped. She can't be lying, can she? "I am getting punished for what I did." she shrugged lightly. She looked pained as she gulped down and held the door frame once again. I thought she was going to fall, so I held her by her arm. I was hesitant for a second before I sighed and helped her come in. I hope I won't be regretting my decision. I held her by her arm, while I, myself struggled to walk with the crutches.

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