25: Caged

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"So, you kissed Silas?" Charlotte asked the third time in a row. I pressed my lips and sighed. Without looking towards her I nodded my head, "Yup." I replied although I couldn't believe that as well.

She widened her eyes in amaze, "Wow." She chuckled, "And, Ruby doesn't have cancer?" she questioned again.

I blew my cheeks out and shook my head, "Nope." I replied.

Charlotte hummed lowly, "That's not crazy at all." She commented before we both went quiet. After Silas left – which was right after he ended Elizabeth's call – Charlotte came in my room and I told her everything. She and I were now lying on the bed while silently staring at the ceiling. I still couldn't believe I kissed Silas – how did I let things escalate so quickly. I am sure Charlie was thinking the same. We both were kind of shocked. Papa came in to ask if everything's okay and we both just nodded our head. Figuring we weren't going to say anything else – he left. After a couple of minutes, Charlie rested on her elbows and turned her head towards me while I kept my eyes on the ceiling – still thinking about what happened just an hour ago. "Okay, I am out surprised now." She calmly said and cleared her throat. She knitted her brows, "So, tell me again – did I hear you right? YOU FREAKING KISSED SILAS HARRISON – YOUR EX-HUSBAND?!" She yelled – losing all the calm.

Her yelling made me realize what I did. I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes tightly, "Oh my God, I can't believe it, but YES!" I yell out as well.

"And you told him that you are willing to give him a chance?" she asked – a little less loud this time.

I uncovered my face and turned my face to look at her, "I did." I replied.

Her jaws dropped before she stood up and clapped her hands. She laughed. "I am so happy, Maria!" she yelled out. I frowned. I thought she thinks that it was a bad idea.

"I – I thought you didn't – okay, so you are happy that I kissed him and for giving him another chance?" I asked her.

She chuckled, "Of course, you idiot!" she said, "You two are made for each other. I mean you two are perfect!" she said excitedly.

"Woah." I stopped her and chuckled, "Okay, you are going too far. I just gave him another chance to gain my trust. You are not a couple yet and I am sure we are not perfect for each other." I air quoted. I slowly sat straight and sighed, "I am – I am not sure if I did the right thing." I mashed my lips together.

"Hey, don't say that. You did the right thing. Silas is great. Maria, yes he made a mistake, but that guy loves you. He loves you so much." Charlie said softly, "You don't have to rush thing – take it slow. Silas deserves a second chance." She added.

I sighed and nodded my head. Maybe he does deserve a chance to show me that he can be the Silas I can trust again. "He deserves a second chance, yes, but don't you think that kiss was a little too much? I mean, I – we shouldn't have kissed." I added.

Charlie shrugged, "But you did and it meant something to you and Silas. Maria, you can't help how you feel. You love that man!" She chuckled, "Give him a hard time, make him jealous, be difficult, but please whatever you do – be with the one you love. No matter what your brain says, just follow your heart." She continued with a soft smile on her face, "Because, your heart knows where it belongs." She said softly.

I chuckled, "What has Marcus done to you? When did you become so cheesy?" I joked. She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Marcus made me fall in love. That's what he did." Charlie replied. I smiled as I saw her face lit up. She is so happy – I hope she always remains happy.

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