33: Did I know That Girl?

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"So, how is it going between you and Harrison?" David asked as he sipped his iced-tea. I looked at him before looking back at my plate of fish and chips. I picked another French fry and put it in my mouth, "Harrisons are like my family." I answered. David chuckled and lightly shook his head, "That doesn't answer my question. You know I was talking about that one specific Harrison." He said. I knew what he meant the last time, but I wasn't sure what to tell him. "Oh, you mean Silas?" I said. He chuckled and nodded, "He is a good friend." I replied.

David smiled. His gaze stilled on my face for few seconds before he nodded, "That's good." He said. "The last time I saw him – it didn't feel like he wanted me around you," David told me.

I scoffed, "That's not true." That was very true. I know how much Silas didn't want me to be near David. He is jealous of him and I will not lie – I enjoy seeing Silas envious. I smiled at the thought.

"Oh, that is true." He laughed. "That man doesn't want any male around you." He added. "It felt good to know that he felt threatened by me." He joked. I snickered, "He is always like that – it doesn't have anything to do with you or any man around me." I shrugged. David just gave me a 'yeah, right' look. I don't know why I am even trying to feed him lies when he knows I am making it all up. Yes, Silas is jealous whenever another man approaches me.

"So, did you talk to anyone in Chicago?" He dropped it and changed the topic. I nodded, "I talked to Rene last night." I told him. "Are you in contact with anyone?" I asked him. He smiled, "Yes, Paige." He answered.

I grinned, "Finally." I playfully rolled my eyes. He chuckled and lightly shook his head, "It is nothing like that. We are just good friends." He shrugged and looked down at his plate. There was something he wasn't telling me. I narrowed my eyes, "Is something going on between you and Paige?" I asked him. He knitted his eyebrows together and let out a nervous chuckle, "What? No." He denied, but I knew he was lying – so, I kept my gaze stilled at him till he sighed, "Okay fine, yes – we – we slept together the day before I moved to New York." He admitted. "We both were drunk. One thing led to another and the next thing I remember – we were making out." He added.

I smiled, "She always liked you." I said to him.

He nodded his head, "I know that." He affirmed. He looked at me, "I will not lie to you, Maria. I liked you a lot – like a lot." He chuckled nervously. "I wanted to ask you on a date, but I was too scared and when I – you know, when I kissed you. I was checking if you feel the same for me." He added. I felt bad right now. No, I never liked him like that. I always saw him as a good friend. I never felt anything for him romantically. He must have noticed my smile dropping, "But, it is all cool. You didn't like me that way and I am okay with that. I was embarrassed, that why I didn't come to say goodbye when you were leaving for here." He admitted. "But, I didn't mind that you didn't kiss me back. It chose to like you and you chose to like Silas." He shrugged.

I looked at him. "What?" he asked me, before rolling his eyes. "Please, don't tell me that you don't like him, because Maria is so obvious that you are not over him yet." He said.

It was useless to deny my feelings for Silas. Of course, I like him – I still love him. I was heartbroken when I came to know about Alice. I didn't like the fact that he moved on. What is in lying to everyone when each person that knows me knows that I love Silas? No matter, how much I tried to cover it up – it doesn't work. I sighed and rested my arms on the table, "Yes." I nodded. "I still love him," I admitted.

David's lips curled up in a small smile, "Of course, you do." He chuckled. "You love him and he obviously is crazy about you then what is holding you two back from being with each other?" He asked.

What should I tell him? There are so many things that come in our way. Maybe, those things aren't as important as I made them be. I am scared of being rejected again, most of all. I am scared that I will not be able to satisfy Silas in terms of lots of things. I know I can be with Silas this moment – I don't doubt his likeness towards me, but what I fear is that what if I can't keep him happy. There are so many things that will be barriers in our life and knowing that those barriers can stop Silas from loving me in the possible future is what scares me the most.

I smiled and lightly shook my head, "My life isn't as simple as you think it is, David." I said to him. He didn't question me further and I appreciate that. I didn't want to talk more about it. To brighten up my mood – he orders ice cream. The lunch went great. I didn't think I would be able to have such a good time with him. He offered me drop me off to Charlotte's apartment and I agreed.

He drove me to the apartment and I asked him to come up and meet Kathie and well, Silas. He politely declined and told me that there was someplace he has to be. After saying bye to each other and promising to meet some other time – I walked towards the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for it to come down.

After a couple of seconds, the elevator dinged and the door slide opened. A girl who had her head bowed walked passed me. I went into the elevator and looked at the girl halt in her way before turning around to look at me. As the door started to close, I saw that girl smile through teary eyes, "Hi, Maria." She said as the door closed and the elevator started to move.

I was left bewildered – did I know that girl? 

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