31: Cotton Candy

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"Charlie, don't worry – okay? It is just for three days. Kathie will be okay." I told Charlie for the fifth time. She has been telling me what Kathie likes and about her routine since last night. I wrote it all down just for her satisfaction when I know how it goes under this roof. Charlie is a devoted mother. She might not have given birth to Kathie, but she loves and cares for more than anyone else. She even thought about taking Kathie with them, but I didn't let her. She and Marcus need some time alone. After a day of sightseeing with Darien and Sam, they can have all the time to themselves. If Kathie will go with them – their attention will divert to her and they won't be able to spend time alone with each other.

For the past few weeks, I have been noticing that Marcus and Charlie are not spending much time together. With Charlie living separately and being busy with the wedding's preparations and Kathie – she hardly spends some valuable time with Marcus. Due to this lack of communication – there are doubts in her mind and I don't want them to have any doubts about each other, and for that, it is important for them to spend some time together.

Marcus agreed on going with just Charlie – he asked me once to come along, but when I declined he didn't emphasize – which only means that he also wants to spend some time with just Charlie and I think that this is the perfect time for that.

"Charlie, get out – now," I ordered her while pointing towards the bedroom. This was the only way to make her go. She chuckled and hugged and kissed Kathie's cheeks. Kathie hugged her back and kissed back on Charlie's cheek. "I will be back in no time, okay?" she said to her and as an amazing kid Kathie is, she nodded her head with the brightest smile on her face. "Now, go and say bye to dada – he is waiting for you downstairs," Charlie asked Kathie. Kathie clutched her stuff doll and with just a nod she ran out of the room. Charlie sighed, "I am going to miss her so much." She said to me.

I rolled my eyes, "She will be okay. I will take care of her. You don't have to worry and it is just three days. Just go and enjoy it." I told her. She smiled, "Of course, you will. I know that. I am not worried about her well-being – I will just miss her." she pouted.

After making sure, she had everything with her. She and I went downstairs to see Marcus sitting on the couch with Kathie on his lap, "What do you want dada to get you from Hawaii?" He asked her. He just had to ask and Kathie started to list down all the toys she wants. Marcus chuckled as his daughter repeated how much she likes to have more dolls and a penguin. This little sunshine is obsessed with penguins.

Marcus is a guy who doesn't spoil Kathie with overloads of toys and everything she wants – he only buys her things that she wants – then there is Silas on the other hand – who just can't stop buying things for Kathie. Just when I was thinking about him – he walked into the apartment, "Lock the door, Charlie. Anyone could barge in." He said as he walks in.

Marcus turned around to look at his brother, "Just like you did?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yeah," Silas affirmed causing Charlie to laugh. "We were just leaving. Don't worry, we don't always leave the door unlocked." She answered him.

Marcus made Kathie sit on the couch before standing up on his feet. "Okay, listen here Silas – I have some rules." He said to his brother. Silas knitted his eyebrows together, "What rules?" he asked.

"One, you will not take Bear to my penthouse – I swear to God if I come back and smell his pee in my penthouse – I will kick your butt." He pointed his finger towards Silas. Kathie giggled, "Dada, you said butt." She said to him. Marcus looked at her daughter and smiled. Silas smirked and folded his arms on his chest, "Okay." He sounded like he was mocking Marcus. "I am not joking, Silas." Marcus narrowed his eyes. "Okay." He once again replied shortly. Marcus rolled his eyes skywards, "Two: Don't give her too much candy. She can get high on sugar." He mumbled while glancing towards Kathie – who was looking at us with a grin plastered on her adorable face.

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