37: An Official Date

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Charlie and Marcus have been gone for two days and now finally they were returning tomorrow. Charlie showed me the location for her wedding through video calling and I loved it. The wedding will be performed on the beach and the reception will be held at the same place after the sunset. All the close relatives and friends will reach Hawaii a week before the wedding. Since just two months are left before the big event – I also have a lot to plan – for example, just yesterday I was wondering what shall plan for Charlie's bachelorette trip. I am her maid of honor – I should start preparing or else I will not be able to do anything at the time. I was looking for some affordable locations to take her on the bachelorette trip. Some places within America came. I wrote them down and decided to further know about those places. My initial plan was to take her somewhere in Europe, but since it wasn't affordable – I decided to plan something within America.

"What are you doing?" I heard Silas. I lift my head to see him entering my room with two cups of coffee in his hands. I smiled as he passed one of those cups to me. "Thank you." I appreciated his help while I was busy searching for the places. "I am looking for the places to take Charlie for her bachelorette's trip," I answered him.

Silas has been here to help me out with Kathie and everything since Marcus and Charlie went to Hawaii. He even brought work here – just so that we both wouldn't be alone. When I woke up this morning – I found him asleep on the couch with the laptop and work papers around him. He must have slept while working late at night. I remember he used to do the same when we were together. He has always been a workaholic. He hard goes to his own home and mostly spends his day here – with us when he is not in his office.

He smiled and sat on the couch in front of me, "That's great." He said as he sipped coffee from his cup. "Can I come along?" He asked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "You wish." I replied. He pouted and sighed, "Fine, your loss." He shrugged causing me to laugh. "Where are you taking her and who else is going to be with you two? Or you two are just going alone?" He asked.

"I will ask Charlie how she would want it to be. If she is okay with my friends from Chicago to come along then I will ask them." I replied and took a sip from the cup. The coffee had the perfect counterpoise of bitterness and creaminess. "You learned how to make coffee," I told him. He looked at me and smiled, "Is it good?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. "It is perfect," I told him. He chuckled, "You have to learn doing things on your own when you live alone." He answered.

"Don't you have maids to do that?" I asked him as I lowered the laptop's lid. He snickered, "She makes amazing tea, but coffee is not her cup of tea." He replied. We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes – there was absolute silence before Silas sighed, "I missed this." He said. I looked towards him. "I miss us having coffee in the morning together." He replied with a tiny smile playing on his lips. He stared the floor blankly as he licked his lips with his tongue. "We should do it more often." He said. I looked at him as he continued, "I have to ask you something." He said. I knitted my eyebrows together, "What?" I asked.

"Will you –" he paused and mashed his lips together, "Will you – go out on a date with me? Like a proper dinner date?" He asked. I kept looking at him with my mouth slightly opened. He gulped, "I was meaning to ask you out for a few days now, but I was just scared." He chuckled nervously. "I want to take you out on a fancy dinner date." He added. "Let me take you out, please?" He asked.

I kept looking at him for a few seconds before I replied, "You mean you want to take me to one of your overly expensive favorite restaurants? Where people are freakishly quiet and honestly, overdressed?" I asked causing him to laugh. "Oh boy, I missed your mockery." He added as he kept chuckling. "Well, to answer your question – yes, that's exactly where I want to take you." He replied.

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