22: You Let Her Do That

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I called Silas and he was shocked to know that his mother was at Charlie's apartment. He told me that he will be there and that he was sorry before he cut off the call. He sounded panic. I wanted to tell him that Charlie and Papa were here with me, but he didn't give me the chance and cut off the call. Not even after fifteen minutes, Silas arrived – looking angry. He strode towards his mother, who was quietly sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. "What is the problem with you?!" His angry voice startled Ruby. She turned her head towards her son and put her hand over her chest. She opened her mouth to say something, but Silas didn't let him. "I told you not to see Marcus or Maria without my permission! Why did you come here?" he shouted at her. A tear fell off her eye and she lowered her head. I pressed my lips together and walked towards where Silas was standing. He turned his head towards me and his eyes softened. "Maria, I am – I am sorry. I had no idea she would come to see you. Only if I knew – I wouldn't have let her." He lowered his voice.

I shook my head, "She didn't do anything wrong. It is okay, Silas." I told him and glanced towards Ruby, "She – she isn't feeling well. You should take her home and let her rest." I said to him while my eyes were on Ruby. Silas also averted his eyes towards his mother, "I think I am going to take her to the airport. She needs to go back." He gritted through his teeth.

I sighed, "I think you should take her home, right now. She needs to rest, after that, it is up to you two what you want to do." I said. No one said anything for a few seconds. I mashed my lips together and glanced towards Silas – whose eyes were on his mother. "Silas, before you leave – can I have a word with you in private?" I asked him. His eyes met mine. He knitted his brows together and after a small hesitant pause – he nodded his head, "Sure." He mumbled and followed me to my room.

My father gave me a worried look, but I blinked to assure him that I will be okay. He sighed and bobbed his head before I entered the room. Silas slowly followed me in while rubbing his hands together. His gaze traveled around the room before he sighed, "Maria, I apologize. I didn't know she was coming to New York. Aunt Monica gave her my address and she showed up unannounced. I don't know why I let her stay with me. I am extremely sorry, she showed up here." He ranted.

"Silas." I stopped him. I gulped and tightly close his eyes before pinching his nose bridge. "You don't have to justify yourself, Silas. She is your mother. She has every right to show up unannounced at her son's house and you have every right to let her stay. I or anyone else have to right to object." I told him. I was already feeling tired from standing for so long, so I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"She lost all rights when she made me push you away." He said lowly as she slowly stepped closer.

I let out a dry chuckle, "And, you let her do that." I shrugged. "Don't blame everything just on her, Silas," I said as I looked straight in his eyes. He halted and kept his eyes on me. He swallowed difficulty before mashing his lips together.

He nodded, "Yes, I made a mistake. And believe me, Maria – I pay for that mistake every day. The guilt, the ache – the emptiness – it just won't go away. I suffer day and night." He said in an undertone. I glanced at him before looking away. I swallowed the lump I felt in my throat, "I – I needed to tell you something." I said to him. He sighed heavily, "Okay." He murmured. He knew I was dodging the topic. I took a deep breath and looked at him, "Ruby isn't well." I said to him.

He knitted his eyebrows, "What? What do you mean? Did she say something to you?" he asked me.

I, then realized that he doesn't know about her health condition, "Yes, she did." I nodded.

He narrowed his eyes, "And you believed her?" he questioned again.

"I wouldn't have just believed her words, but she doesn't look well," I told him. "Silas, it isn't my place to tell you what she told me about her health." I paused. I was still surprised by her declaration about her health. "She will tell you when she will feel it is right. I just wanted you to know that if she is telling the truth, then don't be too harsh with her." I added.

He let out a chuckle, "Don't be too harsh on her? Maria, are you listening to yourself? Don't you remember what she did to you?" He asked hotly. "She ruined our lives! She took me, my love, away from me, she made my brother's life a living hell and you are asking me not to be too harsh with her?!" he raised his voice while pointing towards the opened door. "I have every right to be harsh to her! She deserves even worse!" He added angrily. While he was losing his calm – I kept my gaze fixed at the floor. I wasn't going to lose my calm.

"What is happening?" My father walked into the room with a frown on his face. "Silas, lower your voice." He told him sternly. Silas pinched his nose bridge and turned around – facing the wall while breathing heavily. That's what Silas always does – he stares into nothing when he is angry. This would calm him down in a bit, but I am not sure if it will – this time. "Maria, is everything okay?" My father asked me. I forgot he was here for a moment – I was too busy watching Silas trying to calm down.

I looked at my father and smiled, "Yes, everything is okay. Papa, can I have a minute alone with him." I asked my father. He worriedly looked at me before gazing towards Silas. "Papa, it is okay. I just want to talk to him." I told him. Papa passed a small smile before he walked out. "Papa?" I stopped him. He halted and turned around, "Can you please close the door?" I asked him. He looked concerned but, closed the door nevertheless.

"Silas," I called out his name as soon Papa closed the door.

He sighed. His shoulder lowered, "Fine." He said and turned around. He shoved his hands in his pockets, "Fine, I will not be harsh on her." He shrugged and quietly stared in my eyes. I didn't say anything neither did he utter a word. After a pause of a few seconds, he sighed and slowly walked towards the door. Without turning around or saying anything – he walked out, while stayed in my room. I could hear him talking to Ruby before the apartment's door closed. Silas and Ruby were gone. I sighed and closed my eyes for a brief second – does Ruby has cancer? Or was she lying?

I heard a knock at the door, before the door opened, "Maria?" Charlie walked in and stepped nearer to me. "They both are gone." She informed me and I just nodded. I wasn't really in the mood to talk, "Are you okay?" she asked and kneed down in front of me. I looked at her as she put her hand on my hand.

"Why did she had to come back?" I questioned her lowly. "Why can't I live a normal life?" I sniffed as tears burned my eyes.

"Hey." She murmured and pressed my hand, "Maria, I am sorry. I did tell you because I didn't want to upset you." She let out a frustrated sigh, "I didn't know she would show up like that." She said sourly.

"Ruby has cancer," I told her.

She gaped, "What?" Charlie asked shockingly.

I slowly nodded my head, "That's what she told me. She has cancer. She did look sick, but cancer –" I traced my tongue over my lips and sighed, "Silas doesn't know about it either." I told her.

"God." She whispered while knitting her brows, "I – I don't think Marcus knows either." She added. "Do you think we should tell them?" she asked.

I shook my head, "It isn't our place to tell." I replied. Charlie nodded in agreement and we both went quiet. "She was here to apologize," I told her. Charlie's gaze fixed on me as I looked down at my intertwined fingers. "She wanted to apologize for what she did," I said.

"And?" she asked.

I looked into her eyes and shrugged, "I forgive her." I said lowly. "I couldn't say this to her, but I forgive her." I nodded. "I am trying to forget what happened and that could only happen when I will forgive and move on," I added. 

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