Chapter 2

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"Eve come here, I want a special dance today," He said with that vile smile that always makes me want to throw up.

"Yes sir," I say trying my best to look and sound flirtatious, I even threw in a wink.

I start to give him his 'special' dance. I don't know how long I have been here in the whore house, a week, a month, a year. I have no clue. One day bled into the next. The windowless cell reveals nothing.

"Stop," I stop, "Let's go you are being disrespectful and rude you little bitch. I said give me a special dance, not some mediocre dance that any of the girls could give me."

He grabs me forcefully by my elbow, His nails digging into my skin. I knew what was about to happen and I could not stop it.

"No! No! Please don't!" I begged but it didn't help me.

He throws me into the room and shuts the door, pulls his belt off, and brings his hand back ready to swing and hit me.

"You know what happens to girls who don't listen." He brings his hand down with the belt to hit me.

I shoot up out of bed in a cold sweat. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. I whisper this to myself over and over. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. My chest rises and falls quickly.

I am now 21 years old, legally allowed to go to bars. Now you might think well why the hell would you do that. My answer is simple. Why not. What's to live for? My parents think I'm dead, well that is if they noticed I am missing. I don't have any friends. Never did in the first place. Since I am now out of the whore house I did what any other person would do. I changed my name and moved to Italy. I am now legally named 'Eve Black'. Fuck the Russians if they find me again. I was in the whore house for three years, from when I was sixteen to when I was nineteen.

I finished my high school education and started college. My life is mostly normal now. Other than the nightmares, having no parents, having run away, and probably being chased by the Russians, I am just like everyone else. 

I was invited to go clubbing this weekend with my friend Hazel. Déjà vu. Of course, I said yes even though I know what happened last time. But this time I am not Genevieve Smith. This time I am Eve Black. I don't wear plaid skirts and sweaters. I wear thigh-high black boots, with a black skirt, a black crop top, and a black leather jacket.

I go about my day as I always do. I attend my only two classes that I have on Friday which are phycology and criminal justice. I don't know what I want to be or what job I want to have but I do know that I want to get revenge on Him.

After my classes, it's about twelve in the afternoon so I get lunch from a local coffee shop. I order my usual hot chocolate with two pumps of peppermint. I hate coffee, it tastes like bitter dirt and rocks. I don't understand how anyone likes it. Anyway, after I get my lunch I head to the library.

I love to read. It's the only time I can escape from this reality of what my life is. It's the only time when I can forget about everything. I go to the back of the old and dusty but also somewhat classical library. It's old, dark wood bookshelves full of hundreds of books, the antique windows with beautiful designs on them, and the smell of books. Although I am no longer the old me, one habit stayed with me. My love for reading. I go to the last row of bookshelves and go to the wall where there is an alcove. (top of chapter) The alcove is always empty no one is ever there except for me. No one comes all the way back here so no one ever bothers me when reading. It's peaceful. I can look out the window at the view of the gardens and lake that are right outside. The whole library gives off dark academia vibes, and I love it. 


As I was reading 'The Chronicles of Narnia' for the 100th time I got a text from Hazel. I know I said we are friends but something about her just makes me feel uneasy. She reminds me too much you-know-who. That bitch I used to call my friend. I so wish I could run her over with a semi-truck and then feed her to the sharks. She ruined my life and I plan to ruin hers. If I ever see her again.

Back to the text message. She said "Hey, are you almost here? You're not going to be late for my birthday right?"

I quickly text back, "On my way!" I pick up my stuff and just about run out of the library. I quickly drive to the bar, not caring about the people beeping at me or the fact I am speeding, and park on the street. I find Hazel and her two friends who she introduced as May and Lizzie. May had long blonde hair as opposed to Lizzies short dark brown hair that cut off a little above her shoulders.

Hazel flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder as she said, "Alright now get us inside I don't want to wait in this long ass line." damn straight forward I guess. Bitch.

I knew she only invited me for a reason and now I know what that reason is. I have some great luck when it comes to friends. Not. Fucking bitch, I bet she doesn't put water on her toothbrush and toothpaste before she starts brushing her teeth. Gross.

I walk up to the bouncer with the other girls following behind. "Hey, Big Mike," I don't actually know his name, I just said that as a distraction so that way the girls didn't notice me giving the secret signal for us to get in. How do I know the signal? You may ask, well as I was standing in line for an hour I watched the people who just walked right in and noticed the signal they did and decided to copy it. Sure enough, I got in. It might be a gang symbol or something but at least I have experience in that department.

The guy I now call 'Big Mike' stepped aside and let us in. Once inside the girls ran to the dance floor leaving me behind, which I don't mind too much. I came to drink not dance and certainly not to hang out with them.

I go and sit down at the bar.

"What would you like?" The bartender asks me.

"Whiskey, on the rocks."

After an hour or two, and about five large drinks later, I think, I was a little tipsy but I was not done drinking. I asked for a margarita. I took a sip and set it down.

"Hey Eve!" Hazel called out to me, "Isn't he cute?" she asked me when I turned to face her.

"Yeah for sure!" Hazel was definitely hammered, that guy was fucking ugly. He looked like a monkey mixed with an elephant, super short but muscular but also kind of fat. And his face, oh don't get me started. Or was that just the alcohol blurring my vision?

When I turned back around I saw a hand move quickly away from my drink. I turned in the direction of the arm. There was a guy sitting there, pretending to mind his own business. I looked in my drink and saw a little bit of white dust on top of my pink drink before it dissolved.

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