Chapter 27

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I run and run and run. At some point, I lost my heels. All I am left with is my one knife. I heard Enzo call after me but I ignored him. Eventually, I stop running. I sit down and lean against a tree trunk, I look down at Roses blood that I am covered in. I scream in pain, not physical pain though. The pain of losing another sister. Another person I love.

Everyone I love leaves me. Everyone I think is my friend betrays me. My father, my mother, Carley, Maya. They all betrayed me. My sister and now Rose, they are dead. Rose is dead. I start sobbing even harder.

"Eve!" I hear someone call out from a distance but I don't respond. I look at my feet through my blurry vision and notice all the cuts and scrapes I got while running. "Eve," someone says more delicately and closer to me.

I turn to see Enzo who also has tears in his eyes. "Enzo, I couldn't save her. I-I tried but I failed." I cry into his chest as he wraps me in a hug.

"I know, I know. It's okay. We have to get back now though. Matteo already burnt the whole building down I don't know what he will do next."

I gasp, "Matteo!" I almost forgot about him. Rose's death is worse for him than for me. "Let's go."

I move to stand up but when I do I almost fall right back down. "Piggyback ride?" Enzo offers.

I nod my head yes unable to speak. I get on his back and cry into his shoulder the entire way back to Matteo.

"Princess," Matteo says sadly as he walks over to me. I get off Enzo's back and walk over to Matteo.

"I'm so sorry." I'm so scared he is going to be mad at me for not saving Rose. If I would've just shot him the first time.

"No, princess it's not your fault." I wrap my arms around his torso and squeeze him tightly.

"I-I was so close. If I would've just hit him sooner I would've saved Rose. I'm so sorry. It's my fault." I cry into his chest and I can't stop.

"Shh, it's okay. I was the one who walked us into the ambush. I was the one who left Rose home alone." I feel his tears on my cheek mixing with mine.

Matteo picks me up so my arms are wrapped around his neck and my legs are wrapped around his waist. He holds me tightly and honestly, I'm afraid that if he lets go my whole body and world will shatter.


Matteo and I have barely talked since that night. We are together a lot but we mostly just sit in silence together. It's comforting. I have talked to Enzo a little bit but mostly just about funeral plans and today is the day. Today we have to say goodbye.

We decided to have a small funeral, just Enzo, Matteo, and I. We are going to bury her casket and then let everyone else know the location so they can visit and say goodbye.

Since we aren't doing anything formal we all agreed not to dress up. I am wearing leggings and Rose's sweatshirt she let me borrow one of my first days with her.

I'm sitting in the car with Matteo. We are parked in the cemetery. Neither one of us move to get out and neither one of us talk. Eventually, Enzo comes over to our car and asks if we are ready so we finally get out.

Am I ready? No, not all. I'm not ready to say goodbye to one of the very few people who didn't stab me in the back. I'm not ready to say goodbye to the sweet girl who was there for me even when she barely knew me. The girl who became not only my best friend but my sister. It's my fault she died, I couldn't save her. Not only that but if I just stayed with my father and listened to him I would have never gotten her in this situation.

The tears sting my eyes and feel warm as they fall down my face. I stare at the open casket from a few feet back afraid to get too close. Enzo walks over to her first.

"I know it's just us three, but I feel like I should say something. Rosina was an amazing cousin, we were so close she felt like my own little sister. She was a pure soul stuck in the life only monsters are able to live in. I love you, Rosina. Goodbye." Enzos cries as he finishes talking.

I go next because I know Matteo will want some time alone with his sister before we leave. I walk over not daring to look at her until after I talk.

"R-Rose was always so kind and sweet to me. She always made me feel welcome and at home. We got so close and I felt as if she was my little sister. I love her so much and I don't know how to go on without her. All I have left is you two. I killed my own father a-and" I can't finish my sentence. I start crying and turn to finally face Rose. I kiss her on the forehead and whisper into her ear, "I love you, Rose. I'm so sorry, I tried so hard to save. I tried so hard."

I walk over and stand next to Enzo as Matteo goes over to Rose.

Matteo clears his throat, "Um, well. Rosina was my only sister and my only sibling that was still alive. I loved her and protected her with everything I could but it wasn't enough. I know Rosina is in heaven and I hope she is happy up there. Rosina, if you can hear this I'm sorry. I love you."

I watch as Matteo tries his best mot to cry. He punches his nose, looks up at the sky, and tries to blink back the tears. I sigh as he turns to look at Rose, as much as I hurt I know he's hurting more. Matteo holds Rose's hand. Enzo nudges me and I know he's telling me that we should give Matteo some space.

"Hey Enzo, can you take me to the library?"

"Yeah of course."

I sit in my alcove, reading my comfort books. The sun is setting and I am on my third book. I hear someone walk in and I assume it is Enzo coming to get me.

Instead of Enzo, it's Matteo who sits down next to me. I move so that my head is in his lap as I read.

"Can you read to me?" Matteo asks quietly even though we are the only ones in the library.


I read to him with my head in his lap, him playing with my hair, and us both pretending to be okay.

As I am reading The Hunger Games, I get to the point where Rue dies. I try to read it but I can't. It feels too much like what happened with Rose and I. I begin to cry and I think Matteo understands why. He lifts me up so I am sitting in his lap, he cradles me like a baby. I don't quite fall asleep wrapped tightly in his arms but I don't feel like moving either so I just stay there and let him carry me to the car.

"I love you, Eve. Please don't ever leave me." I hear him whisper. I don't say anything back but mentally I respond telling him I can't leave. I can't leave because I can't live without him.

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