Chapter 21

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We get back home around five in the morning. I am exhausted after spending day after day waiting in the cell and being ready for anything. When we walk through the door Rose is right there. She immediately runs and jumps into Matteo's arms.

"Never do that again!" Then she turns to me, "I'm so glad you're okay," she says as she comes over and hugs me.

"I'm glad to be back. Now if you guys don't mind it is my nap time." I say as I head up to my room.

"I am going to go to my meetings for the day," Matteo begins to say.

"No you aren't," Lorenzo looks pointedly at Matteo.

"You are on bed rest," Rose finishes Lorenzos thought.

"But-" Matteo starts but I cut him off.

"No 'buts' mister. You have done your fair share of work for the day."


I practically drag Matteo behind me. He is one stubborn mother fucker. When we get upstairs I head for my room to finally change and shower.

Before I can even open the door to my room Matteo stops me, "What do you think you are doing?"

"Um, going to my room to nap?"

"No, you are not. You will be napping in my bed with me," He says in a stern tone.

"Okay well, I will join you after I shower and change."

"You can shower with me and wear my clothes," he says with a smirk.

"I will wear your clothes however I am not showering with you."

"Whatever," he says disappointed.

I laugh as I walk into his room and pick out clothes to wear. I choose his grey sweatpants and just wear the black sports bra I had on before. I change while he is in the shower. I finish changing before he is done showering so I hop in bed and get comfortable while I wait for him.

I continuously roll over not able to get comfortable, "Stop moving," I hear Matteo say very annoyed with me.

"Make me," I regret saying that immediately.

In seconds, even with a fresh bullet wound, Matteo has me pinned down under him. His face is just inches away from mine as we stare at each other. Matteo has a devilish smirk on his face, "What was that princess?"

"Call me that one more time and see what happens.'

"Okay, princess," he says slowly.

I quickly put just a tiny bit of pressure on the bullet wound and that makes him flinch just enough for me to escape his grasp and punch him where the sun doesn't shine.

Matteo groans in pain, "I'm sorry, princess."

I roll my eyes at him. Matteo reaches over and pulls me on his chest careful to up me on his good side. As we lay there falling asleep, I trace my fingers over his abs. I feel our breaths and heartbeats sync together and I drift off to sleep.


When I awaken in the morning I am still wrapped in Matteo's arms, I start to get up. I sit on the edge of the bed when Matteo grabs me by my waist and pulls me backward violently.

"Nope. You are not going anywhere. I am not letting you out of my arms, princess" I don't try to escape him, instead, I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.

"Okay. Deal."

I smile against him and fall right back asleep.


Matteo and I don't wake up until the next morning. We slept for almost a whole day. This time we both get out of bed at the same time and he doesn't stop me.

"Good morning," I say as I smile at him.

"Morning," he says gruffly, "I need you to get dressed and go train with Lorenzo today. I have to deal with your father."

"Oh, okay."

The mood change from yesterday to today is huge with Matteo. He is short and rude to me. I walk to my room and change ignoring the conversation I just had with Matteo. I go to meet Enzo outside so he can take me to the compound.

I meet with Enzo every day and Matteo continues to ignore me. I don't go to his bed and sleep with him anymore instead, I go down to the workout room and workout. Today is another day just like the past days.

Enzo stands outside the car waiting for me, "Morning Eve."

"Morning Enzo."

We get in the car and head off to the compound. The drive is about an hour or two. I was too busy thinking about what is wrong with Matteo to worry about the time.

I walk behind Enzo and follow him to where we are training and don't worry about anything else around me. I am too lost in my own thoughts.

"Eve!" Enzo shouts.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"I said your name like ten times. What wrong? You have been like this all week."

"Nothing it's just," I sigh, "Well Matteo was acting all nice and I thought we were becoming something and then this morning he completely ignored me."

"Oh boy," Enzo sighs, "Well, Matteo is a cold ruthless mafia boss who can't have any weakness'. He probably felt he was getting too close. Matteo is good at many things but expressing his feelings is not one of those things."

"Whatever. I don't need him anyway."

I focus on training and ignore any thoughts of Matteo. I decide that after training I will try to talk to him.


I'm covered in sweat from head to toe after training with Enzo. I go to my room to get changed and shower.

I walk through the halls and look around at the place I now call home. Funny how so much can change in such little time.

After I shower I put on my classic thigh-high boots with booty shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I head to Matteo's office to talk to him.

I walk in without knocking, "Hey we need to talk."

He looks up from his papers with a stoic face, "No, what you need to do is leave."

"No. Why have you been ignoring me? Again."

"Because there is no reason to talk to you," he says flatly.

"No reason to talk to me? So you're just going to help me sleep, comfort me in my worst times, KISS ME, and not talk to me?"

"It was just a kiss," It feels like a slap in the face, "It didn't mean anything. We aren't a thing Eve. You need to realize that. I don't need you here Eve so I suggest you start to behave or I will put you in the cell with your father."

I turn around and walk out of the room. I do not want him to see me cry. I sprint to my room and calm myself down. I don't need him. I don't need him. But I do. I have nowhere to go. I've probably been convicted from my apartment. I have grown to rely on him.

"Eve!" I hear Enzo shout from outside my door, "There's a box out here for you. There's another Mafia Market meeting tonight. You and Matteo are going."

I sigh as I get up to get the box. I open the door nor even sparing Enzo a glance. I take the box and get ready. Matteo is going to regret ever saying those words to me after tonight.

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