Chapter 11

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I wake up in the airplane, wait no I'm in a fucking private jet. I look around very confused before Rose lets me know that Matteo carried me in here. The flight is 8 hours but Matteo didn't tell me where we are going, "Where is your Aunt Lucia's house?"

"I can't tell you," is all he said.

I talk with Rose for most of the flight she tells me all about her life, boyfriends, and friends.

"Then, after I told him that I didn't want to be with him anymore he threatened to tell the whole school my family is in the mafia. When my brother found out he killed the guy. I was upset then but now I just find it funny," she finished telling me a story about her first boyfriend.

"Wow, that's crazy. I have never had a boyfriend before and if I would have had one at one point I don't think my parents would care," Honestly my parents probably wouldn't notice that I had a boyfriend. They were never home and would never really check up on me. I was a teenager basically living by myself. I always thought if I got better grades or won more awards my parents would notice me but they never did.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" Rose explains almost shouting it.

I laugh a little, "Nope, never. I dropped out of school junior year and then finished high school when I was nineteen. Now, I am in college but I don't have time for boys."

"I want to drop out. School is living hell," I couldn't agree more. I think back to all the time I was pushed, made fun of, and used.

"Yeah, school was rough for me. I had no friends, I was the school loner," I say with a laugh.

Our conversation ends after that and Rose drifts off to sleep. I stare out the window as I think of all the bad memories that happened in the past, my awful friends that used me, the Russian whore house, my family, and my sister. I haven't thought about her in a while, I try my best not to.

I reach up and touch the angel wing tattoos on my collarbone. When I was fourteen I had a younger sister named Ivory. She was one year younger than me and we grew up inseparable. We did everything together. Ivory was my best friend. That was until she got sick. At least that is what my father told me but it doesn't make any sense. My father told me that she got sick and then two days after she got sick she died.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Matteo, "Why did you drop out of high school?"

I wasn't aware he was listening to the conversation, "Oh, I just wanted to be rebellious."

"You wanted to be rebellious?" he says questioningly.

"Yeah, something like that."

"What did your parents do when you dropped out?"

"I wouldn't know, I ran away. Moved to Italy. I haven't talked to them since," this part was somewhat truthful.

"They haven't tried tracked you down?" he asks.

"They probably haven't noticed I am gone yet. They never go to the house. Even if they did go home to check on me if they won't be able to find me. I changed my name."

"That's why I couldn't find any information on you," I glare at him, "Why are you glaring at me like that? That's very childish."

"I'm hoping you will spontaneously combust," I say in a totally serious voice.

Matteo rolls his eyes at me and continues, "So what was your name before you changed it?"

"Why does it matter? I can tell you what you want to know."

"Okay, so why did you really drop out? How much do you know about the Russians? How do you know so much when you were only there for a day? Who are your parents? Why were they never-"

I cut him off, "I'll tell you what you need to know over time. I don't exactly feel like spilling my guts to a stranger," Matteo is as annoying as he is attractive.

"You don't tell me what to do. I make the rules, you will tell me everything I need to know," he says loudly enough that Rose starts to stir.

"I don't have to tell you anything, especially not my personal life," I whisper harshly at him not wanting to wake up Rose, "Start with smaller questions like what's my favorite color. Oh! I know let's play twenty questions!"

"No, I am not playing twenty questions with a child," I may be a good 5 years younger than him but I am not a child.

"Too late. I'll start, how old are you?" I ask staring at him with anticipation.

Matteo sighs and gives in, "I'm 28," oh so he's seven years older than me, "What are you studying in college?"

I didn't expect him to actually ask a normal question, "I haven't picked a major yet but I want to do something with criminal justice." That's ironic considering I'm sitting next to one of the biggest criminals in the world.

Matteo laughs, "How did your mom die?" I ask him.

"I thought we were asking easy questions," I guess that one wasn't so easy.

"Well, you can ask me one hard one next."

Matteo lowers his voice to a whisper glancing at Rose, "After our mother had Rosina, she became terribly ill. She fought through it for a couple of years. Enough years so that way Rosina still has memories of her. But when Rosina was eleven and I was seventeen she passed away," he pauses, "What are your parents' names?"

"I don't know," Matteo looks at me confused, "As I told Rose, they were never home and they never told us their names. We only ever called them, 'Sir' and 'Ma'am'."

"Who is 'we'?" He asks me.

"That's two questions. Wait your turn," I am one thousand percent stalling on answering that question, "Why aren't we staying with your dad instead of your aunt?"

"Because my dad is an ass who only cares about himself," he answers flatly, "Now tell me, who is 'we'?"

I sigh, "'We' is my sister and I. She passed away when I was fourteen."

"How did she die?" Matteo asks staring at me.

"My parents said that she got sick and then two days later she died. It doesn't add up but any time I would ask about it my parents would either beat me or threaten me so I stopped asking."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he stops after that and then opens his mouth again to say something "My brother passed away when I was eighteen," Matteo says uncomfortably, not giving any more details other than that.

"I'm sorry. Guess we have something in common," I say as I reach up to touch my angel wings tattoo like I always do when I talk about my sister.

"Is that tattoo on your collar bone for her?" Matteo asks me.

"Uh, yeah it is. I got it right when I turned eighteen," I paused thinking, " Okay so you have asked me five questions and I have asked you two, so it's my turn to ask you two questions. How many girlfriends have you ever had? Or boyfriends. I'm not one to judge."

"I had one girlfriend, well more like a fuck buddy. She caught feelings so I had to end things with her. I don't have time for real relationships and love is a distraction, a weakness," I mentally yawned. What a basic mafia guy, "I only love my sister. She is my only weakness and it will stay that way," he kind of sounds like he is telling himself that.

"What is your last name?" I realize I only know his first name.

"Lombardi. Now that we both have asked each other five questions, we will stop. We can continue another time," Matteo gets up and walks away after saying that.

I leaned against the window thinking about where my parents are now and if they miss me. I think about Matteo and how even though he is an ass I will get him to open up to me. He told me about his brother so that is a start.

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