Chapter 5

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After a little while, I hear the bunker start to open. I start to freak out a little bit (okay maybe more than a little bit). If it's the American Mafia I am screwed.

I rush over to Matteo. If he's in the Italian Mafia maybe he still has a gun on him. I search all over him but no gun. Shit. What kind of mafia person doesn't keep a gun on them. Right. Someone who has been kidnapped. Duh.

"I found them!" fuck that's an American accent. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I hear a different voice say "Shoot the girl! Bring the guy back!" oh fuck no. Not today bitch.

I stand there in shock as the guy at the entrance of the bunker raises his gun to shoot. I close my eyes preparing for my death. I hear a shot ring out but I don't feel anything. Then there was a bunch of shots being fired back and forth.

The Italian Mafia must have gotten here! I sigh a breath of relief. I hear footsteps coming my way.

"Are you guys alright?" a guy with a thick Italian accent asks.

"I am but he isn't. He needs immediate medical attention."

"So do you, have you had a look at your arm?" I look at my arm and see a huge cut on my forearm. It didn't hurt until I noticed it.

"Oh shit."


The gunshots ended and we got Matteo and I to the hospital. The guy who first got to the bunker introduces himself as Lorenzo. I decide to call him Enzo. He did not appreciate my nickname but I don't really care.

I am laying in a hospital bed when a...big guy, to put it nicely, walks in, "Hello Eve. I am Matteo's boss. The guy you spoke with on the phone." oh he does not look happy with me. It's ok though because I saved Matteo's life so he won't hurt me. I hope.

"Hey, boss." I smile at him.

"I am not your boss. You can call me Marc short for Marcello," ew that's a gross nickname. I like boss better.

"Ok boss," I say with a smirk on my face. I love to push people's buttons. It's so much fun.

Boss rolls his eyes and sighs, "I just wanted to thank you for saving our second in commands life. We greatly appreciate it."

"Oh yeah, is he going to be okay? He wasn't in the best shape when I last saw him." I think back to Matteos beat up face and bruised body.

"Yes, he will be fine. He is in surgery now and will need a lot of stitches but thanks to you he got out in time. Any longer and he would have bled to death."

"Oh well, you're welcome then," I am not sure what else to say. It's not like I knew he was a big deal when I saved him I just kinda did the right thing I guess. Ew since when am I sober enough to 'do the right thing'.

"Because of your help, we will pay for your entire medical expenses."

"Wow, thanks. Um, do you mind telling me where I am and when I can leave?" I know he is just paying me so that way police don't ask questions. I'm not surprised.

"You're in the hospital that is at our base and you can leave as soon as you are stitched up."

"Alright, thanks, Boss!" I didn't notice until now how old Boss looks. He looks as old as Yoda. Wrinkly and short too.


I don't understand why but they have me put a blindfold on when they drove me off their base and to my house. Mafias are so over the top all to be so underwhelming. Maybe the Italians are good at what they do unlike the Americans.

Eve BlackWhere stories live. Discover now