Chapter 26

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It is a week after we took down the first Russian whore house. We were able to save all the girls and get them back to their homes. Matteo and I lead the men into the whore house and fear struck every one of their faces when they saw him. After taking down the first one we took down some more.

Today is another Mafia Market ball day. The past two balls have not ended so well but I guess third times the charm.

This ball is not quite as formal as the others, Matteo still wears a black tuxedo but I wear a short black dress. The gun and knives on my thigh are visible for everyone to see.

We walk into the ballroom with my arm looped through his. When we walk in everyone stares but this time it's not just Matteo they are looking at. They stare at both of us in awe.

"Rumor has it, my little mafia princess is almost as feared as me. They say that she single-handedly escaped a whore house, took down the Igor, and the stories of what happened to Carley have been floating around. They also heard stories of how you took out the two men in the moving car and more stuff too." Matteo whispers in my ear as everyone stares.

"And how exactly did those stories get out?" I ask even though I already know it was Matteo.

Matteo shrugs and smiles at me. We walk around, normally people will come up and talk to us but this time everyone is too afraid to say a word. Almost everyone looks at us with fear but a few main have the guts to still look at me like I'm an object they can have.

"I'm going to grab us some drinks, what do you want?"

"Whiskey, please." Matteo kisses me on the cheek and goes to get us drinks.

Right as he walks away I watch as multiple men look at me and think about coming to talk to me. Matteo comes back before any of them were able to
muster up the courage to talk to me.

He hands me my drink, "Nobody bothered you right?"

"Nope, you marked your territory so well no one even tried to talk to me."

I drink the entire glass in one swig and wait for Matteo to finish his drink.

"Ready?" I ask with a devilish smirk on my face.

"For what?"

I grab his hand and pull him onto the dance floor.

"Remember our first kiss?"

"Is that your 17th question?"

"What? We are not that far yet!"

"Now we are. From now on when either of us asks a question we get closer to twenty because this game is taking too long." Matteo says as we begin to spin around the dance floor.

"Fine, as my seventeenth question I want to know what happened to Carley?"

"Oh, we threw her into the woods in the backyard. Those things go on for miles she will probably die before she ever makes it out."

I laugh at that, she deserves it.

"Eve, as my eighteenth question I want to know who else you want revenge on."

"Well, I got my revenge on Carley and Maxim. So that just leaves Maya, Igor, and my mother. Do you know where Maya ended up?"

"No, I don't."

I shrug it off as we keep dancing. At the end of the song, Matteo kisses me. Just like our first kiss. Everyone cheers and claps for us.

We head straight to the car at nine. We have successfully taken down all of the whore houses except for this last one we plan to take down tonight. I grab an extra gun from the back of the car and get ready.

Neither one of us change, it's been easy to take them all down. We give Enzo the signal to start to infiltrate. We wait for the cue back.

"Guys the place is empty." I hear Enzo through the earpiece I have in.

Matteo and I give each other confused glances.

"Okay, Eve and I will head in and see if we find anything."

"Be careful."

Slowly Matteo walks in through a back entrance. We look around the dark building for any sign of the Russians.



We hear men keep saying clear as they clear each room.

Matteo and I walk into one really big room that looks almost like a school gymnasium. The lights turn on right when we walk in and Russians come out from all over. The gunfire starts going off all around me. Everyone and everything is moving so fast I don't have any time to process what's going on. I start firing shot after shot. Matteo stands back to back to me.

I continue to fire at anyone who comes at me. Most of the Russians left the gymnasium and ran to right the other men outside. Eventually, there are about thirty of them and two of us.

As I am firing at people and looking around I notice Igor standing in the middle of the gymnasium with Rose.

"Rose!" I scream for her, "Matteo he has Rose!"

Matteo doesn't say anything but I know he heard. He goes all mad man on the men. I shoot at Igor and end up grazing his arm with the bullet. This gives Rose just enough time to escape his grasp.

Rose runs towards Matteo and I. I watch Igor raise his gun and fire at us. I shoot the rest of my bullets at him. All the anger built up over the years I let out on him. When all my bullets run out I look down at Rose.

"Rose are you okay?" no answer, "Rose!"

Rose lies in my lap unmoving. I am afraid to turn her over. I take a deep breath and look at her front side. I gasp. Her stomach and chest have multiple bullet wounds.

"Rose stay with me! I love you Rose I can't lose another sister." I cry to her.

Matteo finishes off the rest of the men and heads over to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Matteo," I sob, "She's going to die."

I hold Rose close to my chest and son into her. Crying for her to not leave me.

"Matteo, I l-love you so much. E-Eve, I love you. " Rose coughs out. "It hurts Matteo. It hurts." Rose holds her wounds but there is nothing we can. Nothing anyone can do.

"I know, I know it does Rose but you're going to be okay." I see the tears stream down his face. I let him hold Rose and I watch as Rose takes one last breath of air.

I stand up and storm over to Igor, "Any last words?"

"I killed not one, but two of your sisters now."

I grab my knife and plunge it into his heart, "You are a coward son of a bitch who loves no one but himself. And for that, you will pay. Now that you are dead, I am heir to the mafia and I will make sure that everyone will know how awful of a mafia boss you were. You son of a bitch." I twist the knife and watch as the blood spills out of his mouth and gets all over me.

I let go of him and walk back to Matteo who is sobbing. Lorenzo rushes in but quickly stops short when he sees us in the middle.

I take one more look at Rose and walk out. Lorenzo tries to stop me but I just keep going. Where? I don't know.

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