Chapter 20

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Before we could pull the trigger someone shot Matteo, but it wasn't either of the guys standing in front of us. Sniper. It was a fucking sniper. I shoot at the two men multiple times as Matteo lays on the with a bullet in his chest. I hear him grunt in pain.

No matter how many times I shoot and hit the Russians they don't move away from me. The bullets don't affect them, "They have bullet-proof vests," I hear Matteo say from the ground.

It's too late though. They are close enough to go grab me. I twist and fight and kick and punch but it does nothing, "Matteo! Help me!" Idiot he has a bullet wound in his chest. Of course he's not going to be able to help you. I couldn't think straight all I could think about was going back there.

Matteo's POV:

I lay on the ground helplessly bleeding out as I watch  Eve being dragged away, "Matteo! Help me!" It hurts. It hurts so much, not the bullet wound in my chest but the feeling that am breaking my promise to Eve. I promised her that I would never let them take her again. This feeling hurts so much more than a fucking bullet. I try to shoot at them but my arm is shaking so much I am afraid I might accidentally hit Eve instead of the Russians.

"Lorenzo!" I scream hoping he is around but no one comes.

I look into Eve's eyes as she is pulled out of the broken window. She looks so terrified and I can't do anything, "I will save you, Eve. I will get you back!"

I lie on the ground still bleeding and am now starting to go in and out of consciousness. Eventually, everything goes dark and all I can think about is the look in Eve's eyes as she was taken away.


I wake up in the compound's hospital with Rosina and Lorenzo next to me, "We need to get Eve," I try to sit up, "We need to get her now. Get all of our men ready right now. I want all 10,000 men. We are going to save Eve and kill every Russian we see."

"Calm down, we are already tracking her. We are going to take 1000 men because the whore house she is out is the same one we attacked last time and they are still working on getting all the men back," Lorenzo says as he tries to lay me back down.

"Okay then let's go."

"You can't go," Rosina joins the conversation, "I don't want you getting hurt even more."

She looks at me with pleading eyes, "I'm sorry but I promised Eve I wouldn't let the Russians take her again so now I have to be the one to save her," I kiss Rosina on the forehead and get up. I grab a shirt and put it on, "Lorenzo, you ready?"

He sighs, "We can't go now. We have to wait until we get an exact location."

"How long will that be?" I ask worriedly.

"We don't know."


It's been two days since Eve was kidnapped right in front of me. Two days since I let the Russians take her back even though I promised her they would never touch her again.

I lay in bed not able to sleep, I just keep staring at the spot that Eve slept in just two nights ago. I miss her warmth, I miss feeling her heartbeat on mine, I miss her. I feel the cold sheets and long for her to come back already but I know that I am the reason she is gone.

Eves POV:

I sit in the room waiting for someone to come. Normally it would be Maxim but since you know I kinda un-alived him, it won't be him.

As I wait I try to think of anything other than Matteo laying in the ground bleeding out barely conscious. 

I don't know how long I was in the cell, one hour, one day, one week? I couldn't tell. Eventually, a guy walks in, but not just any guy, it's my father.

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