Chapter 28

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I wish we could've had a longer break from mafia business but I know I can't do that. Now that Igor is dead I am the heir to the Russian Mafia.

I decide to wear a little black cropped tank top and a short black skirt.

"Matteo, can we make a quick stop on the way?"

"Of course princess. Where to?"

"Somewhere I can get a tattoo."

There are two tattoos I want to get. The first one is another set of angel wings above the pair I already have tattooed on me. The second tattoo is the Italian Mafia insignia. I want it on my wrist with vines and snakes wrapped around it so that way all the Russians will see it when I walk in to take over.

"Anything for you, princess."

We take the matte black 2014 Lamborghini Aventador, I chose, to the tattoo place.

I sit in the chair and explain the tattoos I want. I look over at Matteo and hold his hand as I get them. Not because it hurts, just because I'm glad he's here with me.

Matteo's POV:

I sit holding Eve's hand in the tattoo shop. She didn't tell me when tattoos she is getting, she just said she wants to get some.

I watch as the tattoo artist nods his head at whatever Eve tells him.

"No looking until it's finished." Eve smiles at me.

"Ok, princess."

I smile happy that she is smiling. It's been a while since I have seen her smile, even if it is as small as the small she just gave me. It's been hard since Rosina died. I have to try really hard not to shut Eve out. Most of the time we just sit in silence with each other. It's kind of comforting to know she's there but not have to explain anything. Nights have been worse, however. No matter how hard I try Eve always wakes up screaming Rose's name. It happens at least 3 times a night.

When she is done I smile proudly, "That's my girl." I put my arm around her shoulder and walk out with her. "You're going to be a great Mafia boss."

"Woah, 'Eve Black, Russian Mafia boss'" she says in awe.

"Sounds badass to me, we will be the most feared people in the world."

Now the hard part, getting the Russians to agree.

Eves POV:

"Okay, I'll walk in with Matteo. Enzo you will be watching from a distance but close enough to come help if needed. Then we also have snipers on the rooftops and have infiltrated some men." I relay the plan again to make sure everyone knows.

We told the Russians that Matteo and I would be coming so I can take over the mafia. They said okay but we still don't know what to expect.

I get out of the car and walk into the compound. I have Matteo by my side so I don't feel scared. I knock on the front door.

"Genevieve!" the woman who opens the door exclaims as she steps forward to hug me. Matteo puts his hand out to stop her.

"Mother," I say coldly, letting no emotion show. "As you know I have come to claim the mafia."

"Oh, yes. I know. Right, this way."

She takes us down multiple hallways, I make sure to keep track of the turns we take. Right, right, left. We get to a room and she opens the door to let us in.

"Here you are. These men will be the ones to talk to you about everything."

I walk in not bothering to say thanks. Never will I ever thank my mother. She did nothing for me.

I walk in with Matteo and Is hands intertwined. I watch as they all stare. Some stare at my tattoo, some stare at my body, and others stare at Matteo and Is hands.

"Hello, boys."

"Hello, Genevieve." The one at the end says.

"You will call me Eve. My name is no longer Genevieve."

"Okay," he rolls his eyes.

"And who are you?" I ask annoyed with his behavior.

"I'm Micheal. I was third in command until you killed the second in command. Then I was second in command until you killed your father Igor."

"And now your nothing," I say strongly. I see his cheeks get slightly red, with anger or embarrassment? I don't know. "Let's get to it."

We sit in the room for three hours. Surprisingly none of the men seem to be mad that I am taking over.

"Okay, since we got all the business taken care of you can now take over. You just need to give a speech."

"Perfect. I will give a speech at the next Mafia Market. The word should spread quickly enough."

As I get up to leave, the one guy that had been silent the whole time stands up, "Wait!" I watch as he raises his gun.

When the shot rings out I don't feel anything. I quickly realize that is because he did not shoot me. I look over at Matteo who has a bullet wound in his stomach. All the men have now stood up and are looking at me for what to do. I raise my gun and shot the man right between the eyes.

"Let that be a lesson. If you don't agree with me or if you don't obey me, you will be killed. I won't hesitate to kill every one of you."

Micheal walks over and helps me get Matteo to the car.

"You can take him to the compound hospital if you want."

"I don't want to risk anyone else reacting like that guy."

"Good point. Good luck."

I drive away, speeding to the hospital. Matteo grunts in pain as he puts pressure on the bullet wound. I call Enzo.

"Enzo, Matteo's been shot. I need you to meet me at the hospital that is closest to me."

"Okay, I'll be there. Are you okay? Did they not accept you as the leader?"

"I'm fine, one guy didn't like Matteo I guess. I don't know I didn't ask him I just shot him."

I hear Enzo laugh, "I'll meet you there. How bad is it?"

"Really bad. He is losing too much blood. He's already passed out." Enzo ends the call, I assume he is leaving to meet us at the hospital.

When I get there Enzo is waiting for me at the doors. I park in front of the doors. There are already doctors and nurses waiting for him. They put him on a stretcher and start to wheel him away. I chase after them and grab Matteo's hand holding it as long as I can.

"Ma'am you can't come back here. You have to leave him."

"No! I am going to stay with him!" I realize now that I am crying.

"Eve," I feel Enzos hand on my shoulder but I rip it off of me.

"No! I am not leaving him." I shout. I try hard to stay with him but Enzo grabs me and pulls me away from him. I kick and scream not caring about the scene I am making.

Eventually, my screams turn into tiny whimpers and my punches and kicks turn into me clinging to Enzo for support. I hear Enzo in my ear trying to calm me down. We go sit down in the waiting room.

I sit staring at the ground blankly. I am completely zoned out, not listening to anyone or anything around me. I am off in my own world thinking about the situation I am in: I just took over the Russian Mafia. I was not raised to run the mafia so I have no idea what I am doing. The one person who I love (that is still alive) is currently in a life or death surgery. Not only that but he's supposed to help me run the Russian mafia! No, he's not allowed to leave me. I won't allow it!

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