Chapter 25

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In the car ride to the meeting, Matteo briefs me on what we are going to be talking about. I find it all really boring but try to listen so I can be a good girlfriend.

I stare at the papers in front of me and try to understand it all. Matteo tries to explain it and I pretend to understand it.

"What happened to my father?"

"Oh well there were too many Russians so we had to take you and leave. We left him locked in the cell and took the key. I also shot him." Matteo murmurs the last part.

"Did you kill him?"

"No, I didn't want to kill your father, as bad as he might be."

"Good because I want to be the one to kill him." after saying that Matteo is shocked into silence.

I watch as we ride over familiar roads. I just can't quite where they lead to. I go back to reading the papers and trying to understand them. I stare at the paper and I feel the car turn without actually seeing it turn. Matteo parks the car so I assume we are at the meeting. When I look up to see where we are I expect to see a dark creepy building, instead I see the library I used to always go to.

"Why are we here?"

"Well," Matteo and I get out as he explains, "The librarian said that the place was closing down soon and I know you love the place so I decided to buy you it."

My jaw drops, "WHAT! Are you joking?"

"Nope, it's all yours."

"Oh my god! Matteo, I love you! I love you! I love you!" I run over and kiss him a thousand times. "Is Doris still the librarian?"

"Yes, she still runs the place I just pay for it."

"Oh my god! This is amazing!"

I run inside to talk to Doris about it and she is absolutely ecstatic. She even kisses Matteo on the cheek.

Eventually, we have to leave to go to the meeting. I grab a couple of books before heading out.

This time when we park the car we are at what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. I slide a gun into the inside pocket of my blazer and slip a knife into the waistband of my skirt. We get out of the car and begin to walk inside. Matteo reaches his hand out and laces out fingers together.

When we walk in I am greeted by the awful stench of alcohol, weed, and body odor. I cringe at the smell.

"Oh, Matteo! Who is this hoe you bring?" a fat man that looks oddly like Santa Claus says when I walk in.

I glare at him, "This is not a hoe-"

"Oh, so you brought a whore, potato tomato. It's all the same." He says this with a shrug.

"No, she isn't my hoe of my whore. This is my girlfriend, Eve, and I will not hear you say any of those things about her again." Matteo says so firmly all the guys in the room are silent, "Good. Now let's talk business."

I listen for a good thirty seconds before I zone out. I decide to mess with Matteo since he seems as bored as I am. I trace lines on his legs with my nails gently. His muscles twitch when I do this which only encourages me more. I move my hand upward towards, well you know, and he quickly moves his hand to stop me. I smirk at him but he only glares at me. I don't stop messing with him.

I lean over and whisper in his ear, "I think I want your body now."

He smirks slightly, "Alright this meeting has been...nice but I have somewhere else I need to be."

Yeah inside me. My eyes widen at my own thought. Matteo grabs my wrist and pulls me to the car. He drives fast to an abandoned parking lot.

"Are you sure you want to do this now?"

"No, I was just bored. I don't want to lose my virginity in a car. Come on now."

I watch as Matteo's face turns to pure shock, "You're a virgin?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No, I just thought that- well-" he stutters, "I just thought that at the whore they, you know."

"No, they did everything they could up until that point. I didn't know why but I guess my father didn't let them."


We both go silent. Matteo starts to drive but I don't know where. I turn on some music and start to sing a little to it. I feel Matteo put his hand on my thigh, I tense a little but quickly calm down and enjoy the feeling. I place my hands around his bicep and just enjoy the view. No not the trees outside the window, I enjoy looking at Matteo and his perfect face.

By the time we get to the unknown destination, the sun is setting.

"What are we doing?" I ask curiously as to why we are on the beach.

"If I am going to take your virginity, I'm going to go do it the right way. Not in the back of the car." he mimics the tone I used when I said that earlier.

I smile as he holds my hand and I follow him to the beach. The spot we go to is mostly hidden and no one is there.

Matteo puts a blanket down that I didn't realize he was holding, "Are you ready Eve."

I look at him, then the blanket, then back at him. I take a shaker breath, "Yes I'm ready."

He leans in and kisses me delicately and then with more hunger. He picks me up and lays me gently on the blanket. Matteo takes the blazer off, then the shirt underneath. I am left in my bra and skirt. He kisses down my neck. I let out a little moan as he continues to kiss down to my breasts. He unhooks my bra in one smooth movement. Matteo moves down to my stomach which makes me take in a deep breath. He slowly slides my skirt down my legs, making sure his fingers touch every inch of my legs.

I reach down to take his shirt off him. I pull the shirt over his head and throw it to the side. Matteo undoes his belt very easily and takes his pants off leaving us both in just our underwear. He kisses me on my lips again and whispers in my ear, "Are you sure your ready? We can stop if you don't want to."

"I'm ready," I say.

Afterwards, we just lay next to each other for a little while catching our breaths.

"Round two?" Matteo says from beside me. Before I can answer his phone rings. "Ok." Is all he says to whoever is on the other side of the call.

"It's game time." I stare at him confused about what he means. "It's time to go ruin all the whore houses."

"Oh! Yes, let's go kick some ass!" I say cheerfully as I put my clothes back on. I go to stand up but my legs are super wobbly. Matteo laughs at me.

Time to go save some girls from living hell.

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