Chapter 22

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I put on my dress. It's a long red dress with a high thigh slit that reveals my knives and gun. I put on my makeup and do my hair. I walk downstairs where Matteo is waiting. I walk right by him not giving him the time of day. I can feel his gaze burning me from behind but I ignore it.

I get in the car and shortly after so does Matteo. I turn up the music so we don't have to talk to each other.

When we get to the Mafia Meeting I see it is being held in a huge ballroom. At least double the size of the last one. I walk in with Matteo right beside me, he keeps his hand behind my back but never touching me. When we walk in it is the same as last time, everyone stares. We go around talking to people, more so Matteo talks to people. I just stand there.

"Hello, Matteo. Would you mind if I steal your date for a dance," I looked at the man who was speaking. He is very attractive, not shot as Matteo though.

"No-" Matteo starts.

"Of course we can dance." I cut him off.

The man offers me his hand and I take it. We walk to the dance floor and begin to dance.

"I have not properly introduced myself. My name is Lucas."

"My name is Eve. It is nice to meet you, Lucas," I smile at him.

We dance and talk for a while. I make sure to smile brighter and laugh louder when I know Matteo is watching. I even flirt with him.

"My feet are beginning to hurt. Care for a drink?" I ask.

"I would love a drink."

Lucas and I walk to the bar to get a drink. I look over at Matteo who stares at us intensely. I smirk and continue to walk with Lucas. We sit down next to each other and order our drinks. I continue to flirt with him.

Eventually, things progress a little bit. I knew it would happen so I'm not too worried.

Lucas puts his hand on my thigh, "We should take this somewhere else," he whispers in my ear.

"I think I'm good right here."

Lucas doesn't care for my response though. He grabs my wrist and pulls me with him. I search the crowd for Matteo only to see him flirting with another girl.

I struggle against Lucas but it is no use. He shoves me into a room locking the door behind him. I back away from him and pull out my gun. I aim at him but before I can do anything I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I start to feel dizzy and drowsy.

"Goodnight pretty lady."

Pretty....lady count:....7. Maybe...I should keep track...of how many times I get...kidnapped.

Matteo's POV:

As I am talking to this super obnoxious blonde who is trying to get into my pants, I realize Eve is missing, "I'm sorry I have to find my date."

I walk away and start searching for Eve. I look all over the dance floor, the side rooms, the bar, everywhere but I can't find her.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, "They are here. We are trying to stop them but we don't have enough men. They are going to get Igor back."

Igor is Eves father's name, we found that out while interrogating him, "I think they took Eve too. I can't find her anywhere."

I rush home, everything is a blur around me. All I can think about is finding Eve. As much as I try to shut her out it isn't working. I have ignored her for a whole week and every day it hurts more. I miss goofing off with her while playing laser tag, I miss her warmth in bed next to me while I kept her safe from nightmares and she unknowingly does the same for me, I miss seeing the way she treats Rosina as her own sister, and I miss her bitchy comebacks for everything. Try as I might, there is no denying how hard and fast I am falling for this girl. Eve certainly doesn't need me, but I need her more than she or even myself knows. I need her as proof that people can go through what I went through and still be happy. I am only ever happy with her.

I rush inside the compound where people are still regrouping from the Russian attack that happened just moments ago. I strut in and push everyone out of my way, "Lorenzo!" I call for my cousin hoping he is already tracking Eve.

"We can leave as soon as everything is packed and ready to go. I already have her tracked," He calls back. I sigh and even hug him when he comes into view when I turn the corner, "The only issue is it is going to take a week to get everyone and everything there.

Eves POV:

I decided to count the days this time. It's been eight. Matteo would have already come if he was going to come. I guess he wasn't lying when he said he didn't need me. At one point I would have been singing while I was kidnapped but not anymore. Not now that I actually have something, someone to lose. If I don't get out of here I will never see Rose or Enzo ever again. I know Matteo does not want to see me but that doesn't mean I don't want to see him. I sit in a cold, familiar cell. I watch the clock in the hallway as ut hits twelve. It's midnight which means he will be coming at any moment. What will he do today? I don't know. So far he has sent men in here to do the same things they did when I was in the whore house. He has also personally beat me. I learned my father's name though, Igor Dominic. I guess my last name should have been Dominic and I am glad it wasn't. That shit name is ugly as hell.

I watch as he walks in, "Well Genevieve, I will ask you again. Who do you work for?"

"The Italian Mafia, led by the most powerful mafia boss in the world, and the man I am falling for, Matteo Lombardi." As mad as I may be at Matteo, I know without a doubt I am falling for him. I miss the way he smiles, the way it feels to fall asleep in his arms, pranking him, and seeing the way he loves his sister and his cousin Enzo. He may not need me, but I need him. I'm only ever happy with him.

"Wrong. You work for me not that pathetic excuse for a mafia boss!" he screams in anger.

I watch as he brings in another man, except I recognize this man. He carries a rope and wears the uniform of a Russian, but he is actually an Italian in disguise. Enzo.

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