Chapter 16

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I walk into the cell Carley is in. I look at her, chains around her arms and ankle. She thrashes left and right but can't get loose.

"Look what the cat dragged in," ew who even says that anymore.

"Let's get right to business, shall we?" I walk over and lightly touch her bruise, "That must have hurt," I say as I laugh.

"Just get to the point. What do you want?"

"I want to know why the Russians are after me, and you are going to tell me."

"Ha, why would I do that?" I strike her across the face, right where I cut her. Carley hisses in pain, "You're going to have to do better than that."

I walk out of the cell to go find Matteo. I have a special request to make.


"A flamethrower?" Matteo says very surprisedly.

"Yes, a flamethrower. Come on you must have one right?" I ask pleadingly.

"What for?" I think he already knows even though he asks.

"It's to get answers out of Carley."

"Fine, I'll have Lorenzo bring you one."

"Yay!" I have never used a flamethrower before but I will now!


I walk back into the cell, this time with a flamethrower. Carley immediately starts blabbering, "Okay, I'll tell you what you want to know! Please don't use that one me."

"Now what fun would that be?" I smile at her as I turn on the flamethrower. I hold it far enough back from her so that it doesn't burn her, but it makes her very hot, "Now, why do the Russians want me?"

"They said you were important to them," she sounds like she's telling the truth.

"Why am I important?"

"I was wondering the same thing. Who would want anything to do with you," I bring the flamethrower closer to her body, "I-I mean I don't know. They didn't say they just said they needed you alive."

"What else do you know?" I ask, needing to know more.

"Nothing, that's all," I can tell she's lying so I bring the flamethrower even closer. Now it is burning her skin slowly, almost like a marshmallow.

"Try again."

"They said something about you being bought for a lot of money so that's why we took you to them so that way we could get money. Then they took you to the whore house and said that this is the only way you would never get out of sight from the leader," Carley rambles but gives me all the information.

"Thank you," I turn the flamethrower off but I'm not done with her, "Never mess with me again," I punch her in the jaw and walk out.

I walk out to see Matteo smiling approvingly, "I think I will let you take care of interrogations from now on."

"Only if I can use the flamethrower," I joke.

"So, what did you find out?" I explain everything to him as we head back upstairs, "Okay, so the Russians will pay a lot of money for you because they want to keep you but they are keeping you as a whore?" Matteo asks when I am done explaining.

"Yup, that sounds about right."

"Damn, you must be really good in-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Matteo laughs making me laugh, "By the way, I have been meaning to ask you if I can go back to my old house and get my clothes and stuff."

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