4. Min Y/n the girl behind all those mess

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"So... Ms Min Y/n why were you roaming in my house like a ghost and trying to scared me?"
"Y-you house? This is m-my h-house. I lived here since 1000 years. I'm a witch. Just le-leave my hand you jerk or I'll turn you into ashes."
"Ok then do it." He said smirking.
"I'm wa-warning you for the last ti-time."
"Why are you shattering Ms witch?"
"I-I'm not sh-shattering. I just talk like this." 'gulp'
"Ok now stop wasting my time and tell me the truth."
She didn't response maybe she is in her deep thoughts. I leave her hand and turn on the light. The room lit up with bright light. I looked at that girl. I don't know if she is a witch or not but I definitely can tell she's an angel by her looks. She is beautiful and at the same time she is also cute. I come back to my sense and said
"Planing for another evil trick?"
She didn't answer but turn around and was about to run but I grab her wrist.

Did I get caught? Oh no.... what should I do now? no...no no this can be happened. How did he caught me?Why didn't he run away like others instead of caught me? Come on Y/n think something. You can't get caught like this. You have to do something.
"Planing for another evil trick?"
His deep voice bring me to the reality. He leaves my hand and stand in front of me with a smirk. I really want to remove that smirk from his face. Then I realised he released my hand. This is your chance Y/n run. I turned around and was about to run but he garb my wrist.
"Where are you running before answering my questions?"
"Ok then let me call the police and tell them a girl brock into my house."
"NO... don't call them. I'll tell you everything." I said in a low voice while looking at the ground. I guess I lost. I have to tell him the truth.
"Then speck." he said.
"This was my grandpas house. When I was little I used to come here with my parents during the vacations.
When I turned into 10 my parents died in a car accident. And from that day I started living here with my grandfather. My grandfather died 5 years ago. But his death was not a normal death."
I was sitting in the balcony reading a book. That was a so interesting chapter. I was so focused on the book. Suddenly my grandpa came to me while running and hug me tightly making me startled. I broke the hug and looked at him. He was shivering for some reason.
"Grandpa what happened why are you shivering?"
"Sh-she will not spare me? She will ki-kill me. Now I know her truth so she will kill me." He mumbled all those things in one breath. I shook him gently and said
"Grandpa what are you saying. No one will kill you ok. Wait for me I'll be back don't go anywhere."
I ran to the kitchen bring a glass of water and handed it to him. He took the glass from my hand and gulped down the water. After that he calm down a little.
" Now tell me what happened."
" Y/n my child grandpa is going to tell the biggest secret of his life lessen carefully ok" I felt curious as I bent down a little closer to him.
"This house isn't mine. 'I frown after hearing that' This was my friends house. We were friends since childhood. He was my best friend. One day he got a job. A forest rangers job. So he buy this house and started to live here. Few days later he told me that he had a new girlfriend. And she was very beautiful. He meet her in this forest. I was so happy for him. After some months he called me one night and told me some thing unexpected. He said he did a big mistake. His girlfriend was not a human she is a soul a Cursed Soul. I was shocked at first but then told him to calm down. We talked for a while I console him by saying everything will be fine. And after that I never heard his voice. He was missing after that night. I tried to contact him so many times.I informed the police also but they can't find him. He was just vanished. Then I decided to find him by my own. So I came here with your grandma. I spend all my life to find him. And after 50 year I found out the truth. He was right. That girl who was his girlfriend she is a soul. She is an evil cursed soul. Who took my best friend away from me." He teared up after saying that. And me I was totally shocked and confused that I can't even response.
" She is a very powerful and evil soul Y/n. It's almost impossible to defeat her. And now that I know about her so she will kill me anytime. Y/n dear I'm really sorry I can't take care of from now. I have to go."
I came back to my sense and hug my grandpa tightly." You're not going anywhere grandpa. No one is gonna kill you. Maybe be that was just a dream. You will be fine. Now come with me." I took him to his bed room and lay him down on the bed. Good night grandpa have a sweet dream.
I smiled at him and was about to go but he grabbed my hand to stop me . I turned around and saw him smiling at me softy.
"Y/n always stay strong my child and fight for your self and your loved one." I smiled brightly at him before saying. "I'll grandpa don't worry."
Present day
"Then?" Taehyung asked.
I sighed heavily. "The next day I went to grandpas room to call him for breakfast but he wasn't in his room. In fact he wasn't in the house. I thought he went for a walk so I decided to wait for him but he didn't come back. I waited for him till afternoon and after that I went out to search him. I search for him till the evening almost every corner of this forest I can go. After that I went back home hoping to see my grandpa waiting for me. But h-he doesn't came back." I gulped as I felt something heavy on my throat. Those memories started to flash in my mind again. Tears started build in my eyes as I continued."I waited the whole night for my grandpa and in the morning I called the police. They started searching for him a-and after some hours they found his dead body in the lake. They found my g-grandpas de-dead body." Tears started to fall from my eyes I wiped them quickly. "According to the postmortem report he suicide. The doctors said he had some mental health issues. Thats why he told me those things before death and killed himself to prove it. My grandpa had debts so this house got bankrupt after his death. And they throw me out of this house. I had no place to go that time. I even tried to find a job. But can't find any. So I decided to live here secretly. And whomever tried to live here I scared them and they run away. I've been doing it since five years. Because if I get caught they will throw me out of this house. But now I get caught. Please don't throw me out. I have no place to go."
Taehyungs Pov
She was looking at my with puppy eyes. I felt pity for her. But I can let her stay here also. I was thinking then suddenly an idea popped in my mind.
"Ok you can stay here but only in one condition."
"Wh-what condition?"
I smirked before saying. "You have to stay here being my maid and do the all the house chores for me."
She starts shouting but I looked at her calmly. "Fast of all this is my house not yours. And second I'm not forcing you. If you don't want work as my maid then you can go away from my house."
"But I have no place to go."
"Of course you have I'll send you there if you want." I said smile innocently. "Really? Where?" She asked with a surprise face.
"To the police station." her eyes widen "and besides I know you are the one who stole my food and money."
"No no don't do this please."
"I won't If you do as I say." I smirked I felt really happy right now. This girl makes me suffer a lot now I'm going to take my revenge from her.
"And don't worry I'll give you salary every month." She looked at me thinking for some time before answering. "O... okey. I'll d-do as you s-said" I smile widely and bring my hand in front her for a handshake. She hesitate a little but then slightly shake my hand. "Okay so Ms Y/n you can start from tomorrow." She look at me with sad eyes and nodded. I felt a little bad for her but also happy. She makes me suffer a lot. Now it's my turn. She was about to go but I stopped her. I wanted to asked her some questions I am curious about.
"Wait I need you to answer some of my questions."
"Okay go ahead."
"Your were the one who was standing outside the window with a scary make up right?" she nodded "and.... I also saw you sitting in front of the lake and the next day I saw you in the leavingroom. That was you right?" she again nodded her head as yes "Hmm then when I search for you the whole house where were you hiding then?"
She looked at me before saying "I can't tell you that."
"You have to tell me or else you know the consequences."
She sign heavily "Okay this house have a secret room I was hiding there all the time you were around."
I was shocked after hearing that. "What?.... Where?" She starts walking towards one of the shelfs in the library and push it a little. The shelf move aside like a sliding door and I saw a small room inside it. The room looks beautiful because of moon peeping through the window.
"Well I'm glad I have secret room in my house." I said with a smirk and Y/n roll her eyes.

Arthur pov
Taehyung and Y/n were standing inside the secret room and this secret room has a lot of secrets. They need to find out the secrets so that they can fight against the upcoming storm of their life. "Now next question,how did you replace shower water with blood?" She smiled proudly before answering "I used red kool-aid in the shower head and when you turned on the shower red liquid starts flowing." She said giggling and on the other hand Taehyung looked at her in disbelief he felt embarrassed for running away before thinking. He sign before continuing his question.
"About glass breaking sound and laughing sound you used sound recorder right."
"Yes I fixed sound recorder in the whole house." she said with a cute smile "And..... where did you get money for all of this." Her smile faded. She looked down and gulped before saying "I-I stole them from peoples wallet."
Taehyung started shouting at Y/n. She flinch and started crying. No one in her hole life talk to her like this.
"Pea-please don't d-do this I didn't do it purposely. I-I didn't get any job so I have do this to feed myself." She said with teary eyes. Taehyungs eyes soften after seeing her like this.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you. You got a job now so don't steal from now on okay?" Y/n nodded while wiped her tears with both of her hands like a baby. Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness.
"You can go to sleep now." Y/n turn around and started walking to the door. But suddenly something came into Taehyungs mind and he called her. " Umm.. Y/n?" Y/n turn around and looked at him. "That day when I saw you in forest you were singing a song and maybe used a golden wig how did you vanished in front of me that time?" Y/n looked at Taehyung with  confused eyes before answering
"What are you saying I don't have any golden wig. That wasn't me."


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