20. Queen Catherine

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Jungkook scream and went backward. That lady was smiling at him creepily. He got up from his bed and run towards the door. He open the door to ran out but that ghost appear in front of the door blocking his way. He gasped and started backing away but his back hit something hard yet cold. Jungkoook turned around and yes he bumped into that ghost lady who suddenly appeared behind him.
She started extending her hands towards Jungkook. Now he don't have any strength to run and besides it's useless she'll caught him anyway. That lady hold his head dig her long sharp nails inside his scalp. Jungkook scream in unbearable pain. His nose and mouth started bleeding.

Authors Pov
Y/n open her eyes and looked around her surroundings. Her whole body is aching especially her ankle and neck. Y/n felt something heavy on her waist. She looked beside and saw Taehyung was laying beside her and his eyes were close. He's looking extremely cute.

Y/n : Huh.. How did I end up here I'm I dead or still alive?
She whispered to herself but Taehyung heard it and opened his eyes as he was awake.
Taehyung : Hey how are you feeling?
He said stoking her heir
Y/n : Oh so I'm alive
She mumbled but Taehyung head it and chuckled
Taehyung : Yes you're alive cause I saved you and don't worry I'll always save you as long as I'm alive I won't let anything bad happened to you.
He said hugging her and dig his face on the coork of her neck sniffing her scent. Y/n felt her heart beat increased but she remain silent. Taehyung pulled out from the hug and looked at Y/ns eyes with his dark orbs
Taehyung : How did you fall on the lake Y/n?
Y/ns face colour changed as the horrible incident that happened to her flashes in her mind. She shivered remembering that but she decided not to share this with Taehyung this time cause he will not believe her anyway.
Y/n : I... I just slipped
She said somehow and turned around making her back face Taehyung. Taehyung sign knowing she's lieing and hug her from behind. Y/n didn't said anything she just let him hug her

Jungkooks pov

I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar yet beautiful place. What is this place? Where am I? I look around the place and saw a beautiful lady was sitting under a tree reading a book. She raised her head from the book and looked at me with a little smile. She placed her book on her lap before gestured me to sit beside her. I hesitantly walk towards her and sit beside her beneath the tree.

"Greetings Jeon Jungkook I am Queen Catherin " she greeted me making me shocked. How did she know my name
"I know you are wondering how did I know your name but there is no need to tell you that right now we do not have much time"
Jungkook : I-I didn't get it
Catherin : You life is in danger Jeon. Queen Alyssa is now behind you. She wants to take your life
Jungkook : W-What? You mean someone wants to kill me!?
Catherin : Yes Jeon and that someone is a soul. An evil cursed soul. She gain more power by killing young man like you. But you still have a chance to live
Jungkook : W-What should I do?
I asked totally shocked and scared at her words
Catherin : Queen Alyssa is much more powerful than me so you have only one chance to save you life. There is a secret room in that house protected by a good soul no evil soul can entered there not even the powerful evil soul like queen Alyssa. You have to find that room and stay there till the sun rise. The soul who you met before coming to this world is my servant. She is still in your room. She will help you by distracting Queen Alyssa. But as I told you Queen Alyssa is more powerful than me my servant can not hold her back for long so you have very short time to find that special room. And once you find the room she can not harm you anymore and you will be save for her from the rest of your life because If she failed to take your life tonight , she will never be able to do it again. Now you can go she will be here in any moment
And remember you have only one chance to save your life....

I open my eyes and found myself on my bed. I'm sweating badly.
Jungkook : What was that?
I look around the room with my scared eyes while sweat dripping from the side of my forehead but luckily saw no one.
Jungkook : M-Maybe that was nighmare... yeah just a nightmare.
I sign in relief thinking that was just a nightmare. I mean what else it could be queen Alyssa queen Catherin...evil soul targeting me.. how can this be real. I console myself but deep inside I'm still scared
Jungkook : Maybe I should spend the night in Taehyungs room Y/n is also there..
I got up from my bed and walked towards the door. But to my surprise it was closed I didn't remember closing it then... fear started building inside me. I twisted the door nob with my shaky hands but it was lock from outside.
Suddenly I heard water splashing sound from the lake cause a part of the lake is just in front of my room.

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